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Jennifer Visintine


St. Louis
314 552 6580 314 552 6580 direct
314 667 3633 fax

Jennifer is a partner in the Firm's Intellectual Property and Media Law practice groups. She helps clients build and protect their brands and other valuable intellectual property. She regularly advises clients regarding trademark selection, registration and enforcement, domain name disputes, and copyright ownership, registration, fair use and infringement issues. Jennifer also drafts and effectively negotiates license and other agreements related to intellectual property and e-commerce, and helps clients by counseling them on various Internet, licensing, e-commerce and privacy issues.

In 2019, Jennifer was named an Up & Coming Lawyer (by Missouri Lawyers Media). This honor recognizes early-career lawyers who demonstrate professional excellence while making a positive impact on their profession and communities.


Photo publisher’s checklist: Seven New Year’s legal resolutions for your website

Branding your bud: New U.S. Trademark Office guidelines for cannabis

Copyright Office changes procedures for DMCA agent designations

FTC eyes endorsements: #ILoveThisProduct!

Branding your bud: Why trademarks are tricky for marijuana businesses

California says you can track online, but you can't hide your tracking

Thompson Coburn Publications

USPTO: Extensions under the CARES Act during COVID-19

Trademark Office warns about deceptive trademark-related solicitations

Don't underestimate the importance of TTAB proceedings

Acceptable specimens are key to strong trademark protection


Intellectual Property Primer for Higher Ed Institutions

IP 101


"Branding your bud: Why trademarks are tricky for marijuana businesses";
Thompson Coburn Tracking Cannabis Blog, August 2015

Co-authored with Mark Sableman, "Intellectual Property in the Media" Chapter 10;
The Missouri Bar Media Handbook, 2009

Co-authored with Mark Sableman, "Internet Publishing" Chapter 12;
The Missouri Media Law Handbook, 2009

Co-authored with Caroline Chicoine, "The Role of State Trademark Dilution Statutes in Light of the Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2006";
96 The Trademark Reporter 1155, 2006


"Hot Topics in Trademark Law from Around the Globe,"
IPO Annual Meeting, New York, 2016

"Eighth Circuit and Federal Circuit Trademark Law Review,"
Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis 2005, 2015