No longer novel, unmanned aircraft systems (“UAS” or drones) are becoming an increasingly mainstream part of the national airspace system. Thompson Coburn’s multi-disciplinary practice group assists UAS users, manufacturers, and interested third parties in every aspect of this transportation technology.
Whether companies are already incorporating UAS into their operations, or just now planning to, our Transportation team has been there from the start with the advent of the FAA’s Section 333 exemption process. Our services include providing federal regulatory guidance; state and local guidance; UAS service contract drafting and review; drafting Standard Operating Procedure, Flight Operations, and Safety and Maintenance Manuals; and representation during agency investigations or actions.
offering the full scope of UAS-related services
We have a deep familiarity with all UAS-related regulations (federal, state and local) and agencies. We assist users and manufacturers in drafting responses to FAA Notices of Interpretation and/or Notices of Proposed Rule Making; provide counsel on the FAA authorization and exemption processes; and draft and file FAA exemption requests seeking relief from current FAA certification requirements. Our attorneys are also available to assist clients with issues related to UAS contracts, insurance and risk management, technology protection and transfer, privacy, cybersecurity, import/export, and litigation.
We have the experience and relationships with all agencies that handle UAS matters, including DOT and FAA.
However you are considering using drone technology, we can help get you authorized and into the air.
We are monitoring the rapidly shifting UAS regulatory landscape closely so that our clients can prepare for and respond immediately to developments.
In addition to handling the regulatory aspects of UAS, we also provide counsel regarding drone provider mergers and acquisitions, services contracts, insurance, and litigation.