Our commitment to belonging has generations of proof.

Thompson Coburn’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging has been firmly in place for more than two decades. Our continued investments in DEI training and programs for all personnel prove our dedication to learning, understanding and growth.

Major media headlines that describe the resource walk-backs by institutions and businesses are disheartening not just to the students and colleagues who are most affected. DEIB remains in our firm’s DNA.

by the numbers


of our management committee is diverse


of service/industry group chairs/vice chairs are diverse


of our office partners-in-charge are diverse


partners are members of the diversity committee

recent news and recognitions

meet our diversity committee

DEIB ProTips for companies

We’re excited to share with you some of the initiatives and ideas that have worked for us. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information or if you’d like to discuss your specific concerns or needs.

If you are new to this journey or have a limited budget.

  • Build a DEIB committee made of leaders, influencers, allies and representatives from marginalized groups – and determine what diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging mean to your organization.
  • Identify SMART goals for your program initiatives. Contact us for ideas for specific activities/initiatives.
  • Create affinity or employee resource groups (ERGs) to engage diverse team members and allies. Solicit their ideas for relevant programming.
  • Develop a system to track diversity metrics, including diversity that extends beyond race and gender. Consider ethnicity, nationality, disability, religion, sexual orientation, faith, veteran status, English proficiency, languages spoken, etc.

If you have an established program and a moderate budget.

  • Hire a DEIB coordinator or manager to steer your activities. Contact us for a sample job description for this position.
  • Pinpoint gaps in your talent pipeline and create opportunities for internships, training, scholarships and fellowships for diverse candidates.
  • Connect with diverse nonprofits in your industry and geography, and sponsor and support their initiatives and events. Be intentional about becoming trustees and leaders in these groups.
  • Develop an interactive and immersive curriculum for your employees, with the goal of sharing insights about inclusion, access, racism, bias and religious traditions/customs.

If you have the luxury of an advanced program and full budget.

  • Participate in national diversity and inclusion surveys to eliminate bias and enhance diversity in your organization or profession.
  • Participate in initiatives to measure and track progress in advancing women, minorities, LGBTQ+, veterans and people with disabilities.
  • Publish at least annual DEIB reports and share them with the leaders in your organization, as well as all employees, and your clients and customers.
  • Create a DEIB section on your website and keep it current with your latest statistics.
  • Identify relevant industry benchmarks for DEIB and report your statistics. Create stretch goals and commit to industry-leading benchmarks. Work within your organization to achieve those standards.
  • Submit your successes to sponsors of diversity and inclusion awards within your industry or geography. Publicize all your achievements on your organization’s website and social media.

Contact TC’s Diversity Team.

We’re serious. Reach out to us to discuss the challenges you’re encountering. We’ll share our experiences and the important progress we believe we’ve made working together.

leadership commitment

to diversity & inclusion

* Diverse includes women, minorities, LGBTQ, and attorneys with disabilities



on the management committee
are diverse*


Practice Group

are diverse*


Local Office

of local office partners-in-charge
\are diverse*


pro bono hours per year