December 17, 2019
less than a minute

A Year-End Roundup of USED Rulemaking Activity


The U.S. Department of Education has made significant progress this year towards the completion of its ambitious regulatory plan. In the last three months alone, the agency has published two, complex final rules that cover a wide range of topics – and more are expected soon.   

On December 17, 2019, Aaron Lacey will provide an overview of the status and substance of the Department’s rulemaking activity, with a focus on developments that have, or could have, near-term impact for institutions of higher education. Aaron will cover the final borrower defense, accreditation, and state authorization rules promulgated this fall, and discuss the distance education and Title IX rules on the horizon.


The live presentation of this webinar was approved for 1.5 hour of general CLE credit in California and Illinois and 1.8 hours of general CLE credit in Missouri. CLE credit is no longer available for this recording.


Aaron Lacey

Originally Presented:

December 17, 2019

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