October 27, 2016
less than a minute

Business Planning in Light of Proposed Regulations under Code § 2704


In this webinar, Steve Gorin, the author of his quarterly newsletter, will discuss the proposed regulations under IRC § 2704 that would increase the valuation of business entities in many cases. Attendees will learn when the proposed regulations would apply and what their possible effect might be. Steve will discuss the effect the proposed regulations might have on planning strategies, as well as how to try to blunt the impact of the proposed regulations. Attendees will also hear whether the use of tenancy in common, that some have recommended, is a workable approach. On a completely separate note, learn how life insurance used in a buy-sell agreement might be subject to income tax and steps one can take to prevent that taxation.


The live presentation of this program was approved for 1.0 hour general CLE credit in California and Illinois, and 1.2 general CLE credit in Missouri. CLE credit is no longer available for this recording.


Steve Gorin

Supplemental Information:

Gorin’s Materials

Proposed Regulations under Code § 2704

Akers’ Materials

Comments from ACTEC

Originally Presented:

October 27, 2016

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