
February 2, 2024
less than a minute

Shaun Broeker Featured in TV Report on Veteran’s Eviction Fight

Thompson Coburn partner Shaun Broeker was interviewed as part of a KMOV-TV First Alert 4 investigative report on his pro bono client Marshall Franklin, a disabled veteran who is facing an eviction lawsuit by his landlord even after making the payments for rent for his apartment.

Shaun, who is also a U.S. Army veteran, took the client’s case pro bono after being referred by veterans group The Kaufman Fund. In the report, he discussed the actions of the apartment complex’s management company and the law firm representing it. “I think they have certainly violated several state and federal laws,” he said. A counter lawsuit he filed argues that the situation amounts to an unfair and unconscionable debt collection practice, and it outlines a number of tenants impacted in similar situations.

“I think he’s looking to make more money, and in these unjustified and excessive attorney’s fees, that’s what it comes down to,” Shaun told KMOV. “When this came in, we thought this was a simple landlord-tenant dispute, and it’s blown up to be way more than that at this time.”

Click here to watch the report.

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