Companies and organizations of all sizes have intellectual property that should be protected. Whether your organization has a large sophisticated patent or trademark portfolio or a smaller amount of IP to protect, the Talking About Your IP Rights webinar will shed light on important issues when it comes to protecting some of your most valuable assets. This webinar will cover the following:
- Promoting your brand and products
- Patent marking
- Trademark marking
- Comparative advertising
- Approaching potential infringers with cease & desist letters and other approaches;
- Talking about ongoing litigation; and
- Talking about litigation or disputes after concluded
The live presentation of this webinar was approved for 1.0 hours of general CLE credit in California and Illinois and 1.2 hours of general CLE credit in Missouri. 1.0 hour of general CLE credit in Texas is pending. CLE credit is no longer available for this recording.
Originally Presented:
November 18, 2020