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Christopher Murray


Washington, D.C.
202 585 6916 202 585 6916 direct

Chris came to Washington to attend college and has been at the intersection of politics and education ever since.

A Washington political advocate, policy analyst, and strategic advisor for the education sector, Chris has a particular interest in supporting organizations that are disrupting the status quo. At its core, Chris's work is about getting a meaningful and lasting result that supports the mission of his clients, which is simply to provide the best and most affordable education for all.

Chris understands education policy, which spans all corners of education, from pre-K through primary, secondary, and postsecondary, from institutions and trade associations to technology companies and investors. Drawing on his intuitive understanding of political dynamics, Chris proactively spots opportunities so that his clients can work collaboratively with policymakers and stakeholders to support their growth. Conversely, when an agency takes an adverse action, he helps to shape strategies that ultimately lead to a favorable conclusion.

Chris helped several clients secure the inclusion of favorable language in the long-awaited reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). His clients have also consistently obtained some of the few education policy riders in the education appropriations bills over the last decade. Chris, his colleagues, and his clients are currently gearing up for the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (HEA).

A consummate lifelong learner, Chris has a diverse, global network of experts to whom he can turn for more information or the occasional policy debate. If he does not know the answer, he knows who does.

Chris chairs our Lobbying & Policy practice and also co-chairs our Regulatory Practice Group. Chris was named to the National Law Journal's 40 Under 40 list, and ALM Media recognized our Lobbying & Policy team as one of the top seven policy firms in the nation in 2023.


Strike the Last Word

Senate Leader

Negotiated Rulemaking

Congressional Caucus

Presidential Succession

Magic Minute

Executive Session

Clerk of the House

302(b) Allocations

Point of Order


ED’s Increased Scrutiny of College Contracts with Online Program Managers

The Regulatory Outlook for Higher Education

The CARES Act for Higher Education: Strategy and Implementation

Competency-Based Education

Thompson Coburn Publications

Trending Wonkology: What is 'Special Counsel'?