On October 27th, the FTC issued the final version of the agency’s Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Safeguards Rule. Although the rule is new, its primary source, the New York Department of Financial Services cybersecurity regulation, has been with us for several years. The existing DFS rule and the new FTC rule share many requirements for security controls and the implementation process for the DFS rule provides valuable insights for the Safeguards Rule.
Join us to discuss the new FTC rule, the NY DFS rule and mapping out the implementation process. We will examine the pain points in the DFS implementation process and those lessons can be helpful moving forward.
The live presentation of this webinar was approved for 1.0 hour of general CLE credit in California, Illinois, and Texas; 1.2 hours of general CLE credit in Missouri; and 1.0 hour of professional practice CLE credit in New York. CLE credit is no longer available for this recording.
Shawn Malone, Founder and CEO, Security Diligence, LLC
Originally Presented: