September 29, 2016
less than a minute

Life Insurance to Fund Buyouts or Loss of a Key Person


Life insurance can help a business that loses an owner or other key person. Although life insurance death benefits can be tax-free, part or all of the benefits are taxable if not done the right way. Please join Steve Gorin and Georgia Loukas Demeros as they discuss how to make life insurance work for businesses, and how to avoid expensive traps along the way.


The live presentation of this program was approved for 1.0 hour of general CLE credit in California and Illinois and 1.2 hours of general CLE credit in Missouri. CLE credit is no longer available for this recording.


Steve Gorin

Georgia Loukas Demeros

Supporting Materials:

Practical Ways to Avoid Tax Traps and Other Pitfalls

Shareholders Agreements For Closely-Held Corporations Outline

Shareholders Agreements For Closely-Held Corporations Sample Form

Originally Presented:

September 29, 2016

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