Thompson Coburn partner Tony Anderson has been elected Vice Chair of the Johns Hopkins University Board of Trustees. The Board is the chief governing body of the 24,000-student, Baltimore-based university, nationally recognized as the country’s first research university.
The Board exercises fiduciary responsibility for advancing Johns Hopkins’ mission and goals by establishing policy, providing leadership on the university’s strategic direction, guaranteeing its fiscal soundness, and providing general oversight of its management. Recently, the Board has focused its energies on several landmark initiatives ranging from diversity and inclusion to sustainability. The Board has overseen an unprecedented capital expansion, including a consolidated campus in Washington, D.C., and worked to ensure that Johns Hopkins is accessible and affordable for talented students from all backgrounds.
In his expanded leadership role as Vice Chair, Tony will work closely with Chair Lou Forster and University President Ron Daniels to keep Johns Hopkins on its trajectory. In addition, Tony will continue to Chair the Committee on Audits and Institutional Risk Management, which assists the Board in fulfilling its financial oversight responsibilities and monitoring compliance with legal and regulatory compliance, and the Committee on Intermediate Sanctions.
“I am so pleased that Tony is stepping into this leadership role,” said Forster. “He brings an invaluable combination of experience and passion to his Board work, and he is a deeply respected voice both within and outside the Johns Hopkins community.”
“Tony is a proven leader, bringing decades of legal expertise, sage counsel, and fierce dedication to his alma mater. I look forward to working even more closely with him in the years ahead.” added Daniels.
Tony, a public transit partner in Thompson Coburn’s Washington, D.C., office first joined the Johns Hopkins University Board of Trustees in 2016.
Tony has maintained a strong connection to the University since graduating in 1976 with a degree in International Relations. More than a decade ago, he was one of the first Johns Hopkins alumni to participate in a then-new scholarship program, Baltimore Scholars program through the Hopkins Fund, in which alumni pledged substantial financial support to defray the expenses of an individual student who came to Hopkins from a Baltimore public high school. The scholarship holds a special meaning to Tony because it increases access to Hopkins for public school students in a school system where students of color and economically disadvantaged students are disproportionately represented.
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