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Tonya Oliver Rose


St. Louis
314 552 6119 314 552 6119 direct

Tonya provides sensible, strategic and holistic guidance to health care clients related to health care regulatory and compliance issues, government investigations and transactions.

Tonya advises clients on federal and state Stark, Anti-Kickback and False Claims Laws; Medicare and Medicaid billing and reimbursement; audits and investigations; and day-to day operations and compliance program matters. With an eye for health care innovation, Tonya is skilled in many areas driving the transformation of health care, including digital health, value-based and alternative payment models, payor-provider collaborations, and population health management. She also has served as a privacy officer and has deep experience in health information data and privacy issues.

In addition to her regulatory and compliance experience, Tonya has an extensive background in structuring, negotiating and implementing a wide range of health care transactions ranging from physician service agreements, clinical trial agreements and other routine contracts to major acquisitions, affiliations and joint ventures.

Regardless of the issue at hand, Tonya recognizes the need for practical and efficient legal advice. Leveraging her in-house experience with several large regional health care systems, she takes a collaborative approach to understanding each client's unique needs and skillfully guiding them to solutions that balance the complex legal, regulatory and business issues to advance client goals and position them for the future