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Health Law Checkup

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HHS provides updated guidance on Provider Relief Fund reporting requirements

Nicole Jobe February 3, 2021
A piggy bank wearing a medical mask on top of coins

On January 15, 2021, the Department of Health and Human Services announced it has amended the reporting timeline for those who received Provider Relief Fund payments exceeding $10,000 in the aggregate. Additionally, pursuant to the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021, HHS revised the methodology for calculating lost revenues. READ MORE

Additional updates to the Provider Relief Fund

Nicole Jobe October 28, 2020
A jar containing U.S. bills

On October 22, HHS updated its reporting guidance to revise the methodology for calculating lost revenue and expanded the eligibility requirements for the Phase 3 distribution. This blog updates our blog posted earlier this week on these topics. READ MORE

Provider Relief Fund updates: Phase 3 distribution and reporting requirements

Nicole Jobe October 26, 2020

The Department of Health and Human Services has opened the portal for Phase 3 of Provider Relief Funds, which will include an additional $20 billion in distributions. The distributions will be made available to an expanded group of providers. READ MORE

HHS provides update for Provider Relief Fund reporting requirements

Nicole Jobe August 24, 2020
Drawing of notebook on laptop

Recipients of aid from the Provider Relief Fund are required to submit reports detailing how the funds were used, but detailed instructions and a data collection template have not yet been released. This article outlines what we know about the reporting deadlines while recipients await further guidance. READ MORE

Be on the lookout for frequent changes being made to the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund FAQs

Nicole Jobe June 11, 2020
U.S. capitol dome

The Department of Health and Human Services has updated its FAQs regarding the Provider Relief Fund contained in the CARES Act. It is important to monitor these changes because HHS has changed its position on certain issues and such changes could impact a provider’s ability to retain the funds. READ MORE

HHS proposes significant changes to Stark, Anti-Kickback and CMP regulations

Milada Goturi October 11, 2019
Stethoscope and gavel

On October 9, 2019, the DHSS proposed significant amendments to the Stark Law, Anti-Kickback Law and Civil Monetary Penalty Law. These proposed amendments are intended to modernize and clarify these laws, encourage value-based arrangements and care coordination and reduce some of the key burdens these laws impose on health care providers. READ MORE

HHS issues voluntary health care cybersecurity guidelines

Milada Goturi January 17, 2019
Stethoscope over a laptop computer keyboard

The latest cybersecurity guidelines published by the Department of Health and Human Services, developed in response to a mandate of the Cybersecurity Act of 2015, provide healthcare organizations of all types and sizes with information on cybersecurity practices. READ MORE

7 facts employers and employees should know about HIPAA and the opioid crisis

Lori Jones September 21, 2018
Opioid pills and needle

As the opioid crisis continues, the Department of Health and Human Services has provided information to help health care providers know what they can and cannot disclose to concerned family members trying to help addicted loved ones. READ MORE