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Minding FERPA during COVID-19

Scott Goldschmidt May 11, 2020
College campus during springtime

In an effort to respond to COVID-19, institutions of higher education are undertaking unprecedented operational changes, and doing so at lightning speed. If you have not already done so, it is important to take a moment to consider whether the changes that have occurred on your campus have given rise to new student privacy matters that need to be addressed. READ MORE

Cybersecurity lapses could cost Title IV eligibility for higher ed

Aaron Lacey December 7, 2017
Cybersecurity_default blog

Cybersecurity risks for institutions of higher education are even more pronounced since the Department of Education indicated it will start evaluating security controls as part of its annual student aid compliance audits of Title IV-eligible schools. READ MORE

FERPA and subpoenas for student records

Aaron Lacey March 24, 2015

Many institutions assume that if they have received a subpoena or court order, they are permitted to produce the documents in question without first obtaining authorization from the affected student (or, in the case of a minor, a parent). This assumption is not entirely correct. READ MORE