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Five steps to improve your Annual Security Report notice and distribution

Aaron Lacey September 16, 2014

We thought we would take a moment to discuss the notice and distribution requirements relating to the Annual Security Report (ASR) and Annual Fire Safety Report (AFSR), and to suggest some best practices for ensuring that these requirements are satisfied year-over-year, as efficiently as possible. READ MORE

Give extra thought to reporting ‘stalking’ on this year’s Clery Act Report

Aaron Lacey September 4, 2014

Of the three new crimes introduced by Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, stalking is unique in that it involves a pattern of conduct that occurs over a period of time and, potentially, in various locations. As a consequence, identifying, recording, and reporting incidents of stalking present particular challenges. READ MORE

Clery Act: 5 points to remember when crunching Clery statistics this year

Aaron Lacey August 25, 2014

The U.S. Department of Education has directed institutions to make a good-faith effort to gather and publish the new crime statistics in this year’s Annual Security Report, with the understanding that schools will be required to report the new statistics to the Department in 2015. With this directive in mind, we’ve set out below five important points to keep in mind when crunching the numbers this fall. READ MORE

Tips for gathering Clery statistics for this year’s report

Aaron Lacey August 13, 2014
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Managing compliance with Title IX and the Jean Clery Act has been on many an administrator’s mind of late. The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) has, through administrative action and announcement, issued volumes of new guidance that to many in the regulated community appear to incorporate extensive new requirements. READ MORE