- Hope K. Abramov
- Aleksandra Abramova
- Shahed Abualsamen
- Josh E. Adrian
- Omoyele Ajayi
- Nabil G. Al-Khaled
- Hadi S. Al-Shathir
- Nicole S. Allen
- Bethany A. Allen
- Justin W. Allen
- John P. Amato
- Tony A. Anderson
- Gordon L. Ankney
- Kamran A. Anwar
- John P. Atkins
- Gilbert Backenroth
- Anna M. Bandovic
- Mariquita L. Barbieri LLM
- Douglas M. Baron
- Jennifer L. Barton, SPHR
- Daniel D. Batterman
- Bill R. Bay
- Jennifer K. Bayer
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- Brendan M. Bement
- Jonathan Benner
- Talar A. Berberian
- Christina M. Berish
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- Henry A. Bettendorf
- Marissa Beyer
- Dominic G. Biffignani
- Simran S. Bindra
- Tina M. Bird
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- Thad J. Blenke
- Justine Block
- Anthony F. Blum
- Matthew S. Bober
- Cherie Stephens Bock
- Mary M. Bonacorsi
- Ninette S. Bordoff
- Mark V. Bossi
- Raquel E. Boton
- Kimberly (Kim) Bousquet
- Karin A. Boutcher
- Eric E. Boyd
- Samuel S. Brand
- Matthew A. Braunel
- Vicky L. Bray
- Tim B. Briscoe
- Shaun C. Broeker
- Eileen P. Brown
- Jeffrey N. Brown
- Kenyen R. Brown
- Edward J. Buchholz
- Francis X. Buckley Jr.
- Matthew R. Buesching
- Chad M. Burchard
- Halpin J. Burke
- Candace Burton
- Crystal M. Campbell
- Allen T. Capdeboscq Jr.
- Sarah Capungan
- Erin K. Carson
- Clare Martin Carter
- Jamie D. Carvell
- Elizabeth (Libby) A. Casale
- Sara L. Chamberlain
- Camille L. Chambers
- Sarah J. Chang
- Lisa Chastain
- Becky Christensen
- Bernie I. Citron
- Adrienne E. Clair
- Katharine Battaia Clark
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- Christopher L. Clark
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- Ariele Strauss Clinton
- David L. Coffman
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- Jayci C. Costello
- Jessica L. Coutré
- Daniel C. Cox
- Allyson R. Coyne
- Caleb Crahan
- John J. Cullerton
- Patrick J. Cullerton
- Walter D. Cupkovic
- Stephen E. Cupples
- Julianne M. Dailey
- Matthew S. Darrough
- Joseph V. De Santis
- Warren L. Dean Jr.
- Lee Decker
- Jane C. Delworth
- Georgia Loukas Demeros
- Katherine A. Dempsey
- Mark E. Derouin
- Victor A. Des Laurier
- Michael J. Diak
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- James E. Dillon
- Elizabeth E. DiMichele
- Jacqueline A. Dimmitt
- Vidya Dindiyal
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- John E. Galvin
- Suzanne D. Galvin
- James B. Gambulos
- Danny A. Garcia
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- Kenneth J. Giacobbe
- Victoria A. Gilbert
- Sarah Gilbert
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- Amber L. Gleeson
- Cliff A. Godiner
- Evan Raskas Goldfarb
- Scott Z. Goldschmidt
- Erik B. Goltzer
- Elise D. Gonzalez
- Steve B. Gorin
- Milada R. Goturi
- Stephen J. Grable
- Mark David Graham
- Michael T. Graham
- Edward W. Gray
- April A. Greer
- Taylor Griffin
- Benjamin R. Grove
- Don D. Grubman
- Doris J. Gudermuth
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- Ruthanne C. Hammett
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- Lorrie Hargrove
- Benjamin S. Harner
- Suzanne M. Hart
- Edwin G. Harvey
- Michelle N. Hayek
- Viviana Boero Hedrick
- Steven D. Heinrich
- Julie S. Hellmich
- William F. Hennessey 2nd
- Joy Harris Hennessy
- Amanda J. Hettinger
- Brandt Hill
- Matthew J. Himich
- Brian W. Hockett
- Eric P. Hogrefe
- Christopher M. Hohn
- William A. Holtz Ph.D.
- Nabutsingso Hoshut
- John S. Howard
- John O. Huddleston
- Benjamin H. Hulsey
- Layla F. Husen
- Mark S. Indelicato
- Norma J. Jackson J.D.
- Jack N. Jacobson
- Joshua Jay
- David B. Jinkins
- Nicole K. Jobe
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- Lori W. Jones
- Jeremy M. Jones
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- Laura Juarez
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- Mark L. Kaltenrieder
- Nicholas H. Kappas
- James Kardon
- Jonathan A. Karp
- Lawrence P. Katzenstein
- David J. Kaufman
- Haley M. Kavanaugh
- Korbin Keller
- Marissa Kelly
- Cheryl A. Kelly
- Ryan Russell Kemper
- Crystal M. Kennedy
- Abdullah Z. Khalil
- Fatima G. Khan
- Anne-Marie Kienker
- Kevin C. Kifer
- Yoonsik Sean Kim
- John S. Kingston
- April R. Kirkley
- Michele C. Kloeppel
- Kent E. Knickmeyer
- Anna S. Knouse
- Heather J. Kociara
- Courtney S. Koenig
- Sara E. Kotthoff
- Katie E. Kraft
- Suzanne V. Krause
- Daniel J. Krauss
- Marjorie F. Krumholz
- Aaron D. Lacey
- Nicholas J. Lamb
- Brian A. Lamping
- Cassandra J. Lamzik
- Elizabeth A. Landgraf
- Matt J. Landwehr
- Michael D. Lane
- Scott F. Lane
- Robert H. Lang
- Douglas S. Lang
- Emma R. Lapp
- Sarah E. Larson
- Michael F. Lause
- Howard S. Lavin
- Richard L. Lawton
- Ho Jae Lee
- Joyce Lee
- Genevieve M. LeFevour
- Mary C. Lemersal
- Samantha M. Leroux
- Erik P. Lewis
- Andrew N. Lewis
- Thomas A. Litz
- Julie S. Logan, SHRM-SCP
- Janette M. Lohman
- Bryan Gray Looney
- Susan M. Lorenc
- Allyn Jaqua Lowell
- Krissa P. Lubben
- Hannah R. Lustman-Rodriguez
- Paul M. Macon
- Sonette T. Magnus
- Omar D. Malik
- Steven J. Mandelsberg
- Allison N. Manger
- David M. Mangian
- Sheri K. Manley
- Errin Martin
- Tanya L. Martin
- Andrew Marzullo
- Jeffrey A. Masson
- Jim L. Matchefts
- Mark A. Mattingly
- Edward J. McGillen
- Kevin C. McGinley
- Sean McGowan
- Katriina S. McGuire
- Margaret E. McNaul
- Adrian S. Mehdirad
- Sandra L. Meiners
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- Martha E. Mendez-Fischer
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- Dremain (Drew) T. Moore
- Rachael C. Moore
- Emory D. Moore, Jr.
- Patrick Morales-Doyle
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- Sartouk H. Moussavi
- Justin P. Mulligan
- Katherine G. Murchison
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- Emily Wang Murphy
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- Justin M. Newman
- Zachary Newman
- Kristin E. Niver
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- Leah Northener
- Kym S. Nucci
- Tiffany L. Olson
- Joseph Orbach
- Carlos A. Ortiz
- Amy E. Oslica Dougherty
- Jennifer P. Owens
- Ann Addis Pantoga
- Michael A. Parks
- Jack L. Parrino
- Mona R. Patel
- Janki D. Patel
- Gregory A. Patterson
- Richard J. Pautler
- Emily L. Peel
- Alexander J. Pennetti
- Carl J. Pesce
- Gary L. Plotnick
- Lee Podair
- Thomas A. Polcyn
- Rich M. Polic
- Kimberlee R. Poole
- Chuck M. Poplstein
- Jennifer A. Post
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- Joyce M. Pratt
- Jennifer R. Price
- Caroline Pritikin
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- Ali A. Rafferty
- Keith J. Rasher
- Thomas Rea
- Thomas E. Reddin
- Wendy A. Reese
- Richard T. Reibman
- Christopher B. Reid
- David H. Reinhart
- Richard G. Reinis
- Kurt E. Reitz
- Kacey R. Riccomini
- Fred F. Richards III
- Steven M. Ritchey
- Eileen D. Robinett
- Hope Robinson
- Diona E. Rogers
- Tonya Oliver Rose
- Brigitte R. Rose
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- Michael A. Rosenblum
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- Allie Isaak Rudroff
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- Mark Sableman
- Patricia L. Sachtleben
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- Allison N. Schroeder
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- Jeffrey L. Schwartz
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- Lacey R. Searfoss
- Steven J. Seif
- Linda L. Shapiro
- Robert A. Shapiro
- Jarrod H. Sharp
- Booker T. Shaw
- Shannon R. Sheehan
- Rebecca L. Shelton
- Kayla M. Siam
- Jeanne F. Siegel
- Arthur F. Silbergeld
- Fran M. Skoller
- Quianna C. Solomon
- Paul T. Sonderegger
- Luke Sosnicki
- Zoe S. Spector
- Derrick T. Sponable
- Allison Brauns Spors
- Amy Dygert Stansfield
- Jane Sutter Starke
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- Frederick R. Strasheim
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- Roger Swartzwelder
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- Henry B. Thomas
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- Danielle G. Unterschutz
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- Benjamin L. Volk Jr.
- Dudley W. Von Holt
- Clayton A. Voss
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- Robert J. Wagner
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- Robert E. Wallace Jr.
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- Updated Trade Compliance Materials Now Available
- The Merry-Go-Round Continues: Supreme Court to Review 2022 Borrower Defense to Repayment Final Rule
- Industry Coverage: Errin Martin Joins Thompson Coburn
- Thompson Coburn Continues NY Growth with Addition of Fran Skoller as Partner
- OCR Proposes Significant Changes to HIPAA Security Rule
- Benner Speaks with Bloomberg Law on Breyer’s First Circuit Return
- Out with the New, In with the Old: Federal Judge Vacated the 2024 Title IX Final Rule
- Standing with Our LA Team: Supporting Communities Affected by Wildfires
- Federal Crop Insurance Fraud: Risks Farmers Can’t Ignore
- Thompson Coburn Earns Perfect Score on LGBTQ+ Equality Survey for 16th Year
- IP Corner® Supplement – USPTO Fee Increases and New Fees for 2025
- Mona Patel, Elise Gonzalez Join LCLD Diversity Programs
- Thompson Coburn Builds Out Business Litigation, White Collar Practices with Addition of Former Federal Prosecutor as Dallas Partner
- Welcome to 2025: Introducing Our New Website!
- Congress Delivers Two Holiday Gifts for Higher Education: New FAFSA Deadlines and Hazing Reform
- The Business Judgment Rule: Perfection Not Required
- Fifth Circuit Panel Reinstates Pause on Corporate Transparency Act
- New Year/New Requirements: Upcoming New York Employment Law Changes
- Fifth Circuit Lifts Injunction Against Corporate Transparency Act — FinCEN Extends Compliance Deadlines
- IP Corner® – December 2024 Edition
- Kacey Riccomini on Navigating Political Speech in the Workplace
- Allyn Lowell Selected for WE LEAD Program
- Recess Appointments
- Thompson Coburn Promotes Four New Partners and Counsel Attorney for 2025
- Thompson Coburn Trio Named Influential Lawyers in Missouri
- Thompson Coburn Earns Recognition in Missouri Lawyers Media Top Law Firms and Power Lists
- Update on the Telephone Consumer Protection Act and New Federal Communications Commission and Federal Trade Commission Rules
- Howard Lavin Shares Insights on 2025 New York Employment Law Trends
- In With The New: What HR & Employment Law Professionals Need to Know for the New Year
- Examining Title VI Compliance for Institutions of Higher Education
- Thompson Coburn Delivers Title IX Training to the University of Hawai‘i System
- What Illinois Employers Should Expect in 2025: Key Legal Changes
- Preservative Problems: Judge Greenlights Class Action Lawsuit Brought by Mac and Cheese Consumers
- Federal Court in Texas Blocks Implementation of the Corporate Transparency Act
- Ethical and Compliant Implementation of AI in Financial Services in the US
- New York DOL Issues Paid Prenatal Leave FAQs
- Beware the Emoji
- Lessons from Recent Decisions on Earnout Disputes
- Thompson Coburn Grows Higher Ed Practice, Birmingham Team with New Partner Lorrie Hargrove
- Texas Court Vacates DOL’s Salary Threshold Rule
- Jennifer Post, Daniel Wu Named 2024 Legal Visionaries by LA Times Business of Law
- Ryan Russell Kemper, Paul Sonderegger Named to 2024 Environmental Law Power List
- Corporate Transparency Act Reporting is a Reality
- Higher Education: The Road to Nonprofit Status Just Got a Little More Paved
- The Recent Massachusetts Court Holding in Vita is a Win for Businesses and a Look at Trends in Novel U.S. Wiretapping Litigation
- Matt Nevola Discusses Hearsay Admissibility in ABA Article
- Labor & Employment Update for Government Contractors: A Look Back at FY 2024 and Forward for FY 2025
- California Employers, Are You Ready for 2025? 10 Things to Watch Out For
- Berkheimer v. REKM Decision Says that Customers Should Reasonably Expect Bones in Boneless Wings
- Shaun Broeker Highlighted for Veterans Initiative in St. Louis Business Journal
- PIK Interest in Private Credit – What Lenders, Borrowers and Equity Investors Should Know
- Federal Interest Rate Cut and Potential Impacts on Commercial Real Estate
- Thompson Coburn Earns Top-Tier Rankings in U.S. News 2025 ‘Best Law Firms’ Survey
- Presidential Certification Process
- Thad Blenke Discusses Federal Circuit’s Anti-Suit Injunction Ruling
- The election’s almost over. What’s in store for higher education?
- Tonya Oliver Rose Discusses Potential Medicare Overpayment Changes
- Vic Des Laurier Shares Insights on the Commercial Finance Industry with ABL Advisor
- IP Corner® – October 2024 Edition
- Michael Graham Discusses Nicotine Surcharge Litigation
- Douglas Lang Named Recipient of Ed Mullins Society Award
- Partnership OI vs. CG; Step Transaction; Gain Exclusion and Deferral
- Intellectual Property 101 in Higher Ed: Trademarks, Patents, and Online Protection
- Kacey Riccomini Discusses Employer Obligations for Workplace Speech
- Potential Expansion of NYC Paid Safe and Sick Leave Law
- Thompson Coburn Recognized on Top Marketing Teams List
- Simran Bindra Discusses Momentum in CRE Portfolio Sales
- Supreme Court Will Again Consider Agency Authority in a TCPA Case
- Industry Coverage: Emory Moore Joins Thompson Coburn
- Challenge to PBGC Pension Bailout Liability Rules Denied by U.S. Bankruptcy Court
- Rich Reinis, Jenny Ecklund Honored by ALM Awards
- Up and Downs of Rollover Stock
- Significant Changes to Hart-Scott-Rodino Premerger Filing Requirements: What Businesses Need to Know
- Thompson Coburn Labor & Employment Practice Extends Hiring Streak with New Partner in Chicago
- Kacey Riccomini Discusses Navigating Politics in the Workplace
- Chris Hohn Featured in Missouri Lawyers Media’s “Legal Limelight”
- Kacey Riccomini Recognized as Top Labor & Employment Attorney
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau tells institutional lenders to cease withholding transcripts
- New Wave of ERISA Lawsuits Attack Self-Funded Health Care and Wellness Plans on Tobacco Surcharges
- Selling to Private Equity: After the Rollover
- Greg Mennerick, Kristen Sanocki Named Missouri Lawyers Media’s 2024 “Up & Coming” Attorneys
- False Claims Act Ruling Offers New Grounds for Defending Whistleblower Claims
- New ERISA Decision in 401(k) Forfeiture Suit Furthers Court Split
- Tommy Rea Discusses New DOJ Whistleblower Program
- Kristen Sanocki Named to Business Journal 40 Under 40
- Thompson Coburn Achieves Mansfield Rule 7.0 “Certified Plus” Designation
- California’s Journey to Regulate Technology: September 2024 Legislative Update
- Caira Butler and Cicely Williams Named 2024 Eagleton Scholarship Recipients
- Thad Blenke Discusses SEP Patent Dispute
- Tonya Oliver Rose Discusses Healthcare’s Cybersecurity and Staffing Challenges
- Industry Coverage: Becky Christensen Joins Thompson Coburn
- Matt Landwehr Elected to AIM Executive Board
- A Q&A with Viviana Boero Hedrick: Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
- New Partner Becky Christensen Joins Labor & Employment Practice
- Federal Court Finds that ERISA Preempts Illinois Genetic Privacy Act Claim
- Employee v. Independent Contractor: A Distinction with a Difference
- No Crystal Ball Required: Fraudulent Concealment and Contract Risk
- Mark Indelicato, Danielle Ullo Discuss Economic Impact on CRE and Restaurant Industries
- Larry Katzenstein honored with CMT Chairman’s Award
- TC celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month, Pioneers of Change: Shaping the Future Together!
- Bob Wallace, Mark Sableman Named to Sports and Entertainment Power List
- Booker Shaw Named as Lawdragon 500 Leading Litigator
- Implications for Digital Lending and Copyright in Landmark Fair Use Case
- Douglas Lang Writes on Value of Civility for Texas Lawyer
- Thompson Coburn Defends Monsanto in Upholding Trial Win
- Booker Shaw Explores Innocence Claims on ‘St. Louis on the Air’
- Robert Shapiro Highlights International Trade Roundtable in Business Journal
- Thompson Coburn Welcomes 2024 Fall Associates
- The Latest on ED’s Financial Value Transparency and Gainful Employment Rule
- Thompson Coburn Named a 2024 ‘Ceiling Smasher’ for Women Partners
- FTC Submits Comment Supporting Proposed FDA Guidance on Interchangeable Biosimilar Drugs
- Matt Braunel to Lead Missouri Bar IP & Biotech Committee
- NLJ Legal Awards Selects TC Lobbying & Policy Team as 2024 Finalist
- Scott Goldschmidt Discusses New Title IX Rules
- Federal Court Blocks Enforcement of FTC’s Non-Compete Rule Nationwide
- Strike the Last Word
- Industry Coverage: Chris Hohn Begins Tenure as Chair of Thompson Coburn
- Industry Coverage: Kim Bousquet Returns to Thompson Coburn
- Changes Abound for the Illinois Human Rights Act
- BIPA UPDATE: Illinois Adopts Reform Limiting Potential Claims (and Damages) in Litigation
- Matt Braunel Featured in ‘Legal Limelight’ Q&A on AI
- Chris Hohn Begins Tenure as Chair of Thompson Coburn
- Jennifer Ecklund Named Finalist in Texas Legal Awards
- Thompson Coburn Attorneys Honored by Best Lawyers
- Cheryl Kelly Named as Lawdragon 500 Leading Real Estate Lawyer
- Implications and Current State of the FTC Non-Compete Ban
- 2024 Privacy Rule
- Governor Pritzker Signs Amendments to Illinois’ Non-Compete Law
- Food and Agricultural Commercial Litigator Returns to Thompson Coburn as Partner in St. Louis
- Keith Rasher Shares Insights on PAGA Overhaul
- Rich Reinis Appointed to California Fast Food Council
- Industry Coverage: Michael Graham Joins Thompson Coburn
- Keith Rasher Honored as 2024 Top Labor and Employment Lawyer
- Kacey Riccomini on Navigating Workplace Political Speech and Social Media
- Eileen Brown Highlights Value of Teamwork in ‘How I Made Office Managing Partner’ Q&A
- Michael Parks Speaks to Bloomberg Law on News Outlets and AI
- Bill Bay Begins Tenure as American Bar Association President
- Thompson Coburn Welcomes Employee Benefits Litigator Michael Graham as Partner in Chicago
- Robert Shapiro Authors Business Law Today Article on Customs Business Confusion
- Thompson Coburn Releases 2024 Title IX Training Series for Institutions of Higher Education
- Nathan Viehl Shares Insights into NAV loans
- Rob Lang, Scott Goldschmidt Cover Key Impacts of College Athletics Case
- Connelly; Profits Interest; Basis Shifting; Non-Compete
- AI and Workplace Bias: What Employers Need to Know
- Mark Indelicato, Danielle Ullo Cover CRE, Restaurant Economic Trends in Chain Store Age
- Thompson Coburn Launches Emerge Leadership Program
- FinCEN: Disregarded Entities Need Not Obtain a Unique Tax ID Number Solely for Filing a Beneficial Ownership Information Report
- FinCEN: Disregarded Entities Need Not Obtain a Unique Tax ID Number Solely for Filing a Beneficial Ownership Information Report
- Bob Wallace Appointed Interim President of Explore St. Louis
- NYC Council Introduces Sweeping Pay Data Reporting Bill
- Thompson Coburn Attorneys Recognized in Chambers 2024 High Net Worth Guide
- Rich Reinis Named Winner in California Legal Awards
- Thompson Coburn Product Liability Team’s Appellate Win Highlighted by
- Thompson Coburn Named to Bloomberg Law’s Fourth Annual DEI Framework
- Ben Volk Discusses USPTO’s Recent Guidance for AI Eligibility
- Janette Lohman Interviewed by Bloomberg on New Approach to Tax Compliance
- Dallas Partner Jasmine Wynton Earns Mentor Award
- Student Loan Debt Relief: Is Forgiveness Really Divine?
- Cliff Godiner Named to Employment POWER List
- Thompson Coburn’s Cindy Casey Honored as ‘Unsung Legal Hero’
- Rich Reinis Discusses California Fast Food Council’s Kickoff
- Mackenzie Wallace Talks Health Care Class Actions and Payer/Provider Disputes with AHLA
- Updated Financial Responsibility Reporting Guide 2024
- PAGA Reform Brings Relief for California Employers
- Thompson Coburn Honored for Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Partnership
- Thompson Coburn Honored with Business of Pride Award
- Attorney Client Privilege and How to Stay Out of “Detention”
- NLRB Joins the Fray in Crackdown on Restrictive Covenants
- Michael Rosenblum Weighs in on Cannabis Rescheduling Tax Guidance
- SCOTUS Grants Cert to Resolve Split on Sovereign Immunity for Fraudulent Conveyance Claims
- Employer Update on California PAGA Reform
- Ben Volk Shares Insights with Law360 on Patent Eligibility Rulings
- Emily Murphy, Shoko Naruo to Join NAPABA Partners Summit
- Jennifer Post Honored as 2024 Top Woman Lawyer
- Katie Clark Named as Lawdragon 500 Leading Bankruptcy & Restructuring Lawyer
- NY State Department of Labor Updates Model Breast Milk Expression Policy
- Fatima Khan and Bob Wallace Named as Diversity & Inclusion Honorees
- Impending Implementation of DOL Final Rule Draws Legal Challenges
- ED’s New Financial Responsibility Rules Deserve Attention
- Fatima Khan Selected for 2024-2025 Class of Leadership St. Louis
- Thompson Coburn Attorneys Recognized in Chambers USA 2024
- Jennifer Post Named to Los Angeles Business Journal’s LA500 for 2024
- Howard Lavin Covers NY Employment Law Updates for Crain’s
- Important Update: Compliance Requirements for New California Workplace Violence Prevention Law Effective July 1, 2024
- Mark Indelicato Provides Go-To Media Commentary on Bankruptcy Hot Topics
- Robert Shapiro Discusses Effects of China Tariffs on Chemical Industry
- Federal Circuit Overrules Rigid Test for Design Patent Obviousness
- Simran Bindra Discusses Benefits of Bridge Loans in Commercial Real Estate
- Mark Indelicato Talks to NY Daily News about Red Lobster Chapter 11 Filing
- BIPA Update: Illinois Senate’s BIPA Amendment Passes the House
- Subchapter V Practice in the Eighth Circuit: The First Four Years
- TC Attorneys Cover SEC Climate Rule’s Unique Legal Hurdles for Law360
- When Payment in Full Isn’t What You Hoped For …
- USPTO Issues Notice of Proposed Rule Making
- Katherine Murchison, Vidya Dindiyal Chart Career Course at CCWC Career Strategies Conference
- Making Your First Acquisition? Five Keys to Success
- Corporate Transparency Act Implications for Government Contractors
- Supreme Court Avoids Discovery Rule Fight in Copyright Lawsuit
- Thompson Coburn Shuts Down Fraudulent Website for Marymount California University
- Fifteen Attorneys General Ask Congress Not to Replace State Privacy Laws With Federal Law
- Bill Bay Named to Defense POWER List
- Rich Reinis Discusses Shaping California’s Fast-Food Industry
- EEOC Issues Enforcement Guidance on Harassment for the First Time in Years
- Title IX Rule: Key Changes and Next Steps for Institutions
- Delaware Court Rejects “Portfolio Theory” Regarding Directors’ Fiduciary Rights
- Michael Rosenblum Discusses Tax Implications for Cannabis Move to Schedule III
- Community Property and the Corporate Transparency Act
- Trust Modification; Buy-Sell Agreements; Financing
- Nicole Williams Shares Firm’s Success in 2023, Litigation Trends, and More in Q&A
- Thompson Coburn Shows Strong Growth in American Lawyer Financial Reporting
- Adrienne Clair Receives EBA Diversity & Inclusion Champion Award
- EPA Makes Major Moves on PFAS in April
- Katharine Clark Named a 2024 Best Lawyer in Dallas by D Magazine
- Michael Rosenblum Discusses Cannabis Net Lease Risk to Landlords
- Michael Rosenblum Named to Top 100 Lawyers of Los Angeles for 2024
- DOL’s New Rule Increases Salary Threshold for FLSA Overtime Exemption Eligibility
- U.S. Department of Education Issues New Guidance on Implementation of Program Length Regulations
- RED ALERT: FTC issues a new nationwide rule invalidating the use of employee noncompete agreements by most private employers!
- Employee Benefits Legal Updates
- Industry Coverage: Daniel Wu Joins Thompson Coburn
- New York Poised to Enact Paid Prenatal Leave
- After the Buzzer – Episode 25: Author and Professor Jeremi Duru and Diversity in Sports
- Title IX (Joe’s Version) Dropped This Morning
- ‘Shadow Trading’ Verdict a Reminder for Companies to Review Insider Trading Policies and Train Insiders
- ED’s Latest Financial Value Transparency/Gainful Employment Guidance
- EEOC releases Pregnancy Workers Fairness Act rules
- Thompson Coburn Releases 2023 Diversity & Inclusion Report
- Thompson Coburn Bolsters Los Angeles Business Litigation Practice with New Lateral Partner
- Ben Volk Speaks to Law360 on Attorney AI Guidance
- BIPA Update: Illinois Is One Step Closer to Amending How Damages Accrue under BIPA!
- Get It Right The First Time: The Implications of Recording a Defective Lis Pendens
- Industry Coverage: Thompson Coburn Expands Higher Ed Practice, Adds Birmingham Office
- ED further delays third-party servicer guidance, clarifies significant policies
- Thompson Coburn Recognized as Most Philanthropic Midsize Company in St. Louis for Third Year in a Row
- Michele Kloeppel, Fred Strasheim Named to M&A POWER List
- Borrower Defense to Repayment (BDR) Round-Up
- Long-Awaited SEC Climate Disclosure Rule Draws Legal Challenges Across the Ideological Spectrum
- John Viola Highlights New California Noncompete Agreements
- Drew Moore, Zoe Spector Join Chicago Bar Leadership Program
- Thompson Coburn Expands Its Leading Higher Education Practice with Addition of Lateral Partner Group
- Looking at CTA Filing Triggers? Don’t Forget the Impact of State Law!
- Now Available: The Uniform Grant Guidance (and Other 2 CFR) Updates
- Senate Leader
- ED’s Evolving State Authorization and Professional Licensure Requirements
- Using Pass-Through Entity Tax Benefits in M&A transactions
- Tommy Rea Shares Experience Volunteering at Honduran Nutrition Center
- Journal Publishes SEC Rules Update by David Kaufman, Nabil Al-Khaled
- David Kaufman, Nathan Viehl Discuss Reddit’s Initial Stock Performance
- David Kaufman Discusses Truth Social Trading Debut with NY Post
- Kayla Siam Receives DEI Award from Governors State University
- Staying Above Board: What Employers Need to Know About Recent Developments From the National Labor Relations Board
- UPDATE: It’s the Final Countdown! H-1B Registration Closes March 25
- Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) Resources
- USTPO Issues Means-Plus-Function Memorandum
- 5 Things to Watch Out for in a Retail Lease Agreement
- Michael Parks Speaks to Reuters on IPO-Bound Reddit’s Patent Dispute
- John Galvin Shares Insights on PFAS Lawsuits
- New York City Jumps Into the Non-Compete Fray
- Class of 16 Partners Completes Women’s Leadership Academy
- Evan Goldfarb Named to Health Care Law 2024 Power List
- Corporate Transparency Act: Steps to File an Initial BOIR
- Norma Jackson Discusses Firm Affinity Groups and DEI Efforts
- Ruthanne Hammett Named as Leading Woman in Secured Finance
- Simran Bindra Discusses State of Commercial Real Estate Post-Silicon Valley Bank
- How Privacy Requirements Impact AI
- John Howard Shares Five Models for Structuring Health Provider-Payor Partnerships
- New York City Workers’ Bill of Rights
- Elizabeth Myers, Jennifer Ecklund Support Premiere of SXSW Film on Sexual Assault Survivors’ Legal Battles
- Business Journal Highlights Larry Katzenstein’s Tiger Tables Software
- From Office Gallery to Ivy League: Rich Reinis’ Print Collection Finds Home at Princeton
- Aaron Lacey Discusses Potential Consolidation of UA and UAGC
- John Kingston, Sonette Magnus Write for ABA on Avoiding Privilege Pitfalls
- After Federal District Court Declares Corporate Transparency Act Unconstitutional, FinCEN Responds
- BIPA Update: Another Amendment Attempt for Illinois Privacy Law
- Douglas Lang Named Outstanding 50 Year Lawyer by Texas Bar Foundation
- Michael Parks Speaks on Key AI Trends for 2024
- Unlocking the Code to a Successful Acquisition of AI Technology
- California AG Announces Second Settlement Under the California Consumer Privacy Act
- California Chamber Seeks State Supreme Court Review of Privacy Act Enforcement
- Adrienne Clair, Matt Rudolphi Named as Lawdragon 500 Leading Energy Lawyers
- Ben Volk Shares Insights on Auto Brands Joining Avanci Licensing Program
- Jessica Wang, Evelyn Clark Join Top Legal Diversity Programs
- Kacey Riccomini Discusses California’s New Reproductive Loss Leave
- Business Immigration: H-1B Visa Lottery Registration and Petition Process
- Negotiated Rulemaking
- Katriina McGuire Named Notable Woman in Law by Crain’s Chicago Business
- CTA Reporting – Something You Need to Trust
- Booker Shaw Named to Appellate Law 2024 Power List
- Learn More About the Corporate Transparency Act
- Ben Volk Talks to Law360 on USPTO Guidance for AI and Patents
- Film on Sexual Assault Survivors’ Legal Challenge to Debut at SXSW Festival
- What Businesses Need to Know: Corporate Transparency Act’s New Beneficial Ownership Reporting Requirements
- Fiduciary Income Tax Refresher and Update 2024
- Understanding Universal Proxy Rules and Navigating Increased Shareholder Activism
- Sheetz v. County of El Dorado, California Could be Game Changer for Development Impact Fees
- Thompson Coburn Named a Top 200 Law Firm by Leopard Solutions
- Nathan Viehl Discusses Expected Increase of Software Services Private Equity Deals
- Aaron Lacey Discusses Complexities of Mergers in Higher Education
- Mark Indelicato Discusses Former WeWork CEO’s Attempts to Win Back Company
- David Kaufman Explores the State of College Athletics Amid Changing NIL Landscape
- California Employers, Are You Ready to Provide a Non-Compete Notice to Current and Former Employees by February 14?
- Tonya Oliver Rose Discusses When to Tap Legal Counsel
- NY LLC Transparency Act Differs in Important Ways from the CTA
- Bob Wallace Featured for Role as NFL Trailblazer
- Dallas Associate Jerica Steward Selected for U.S. Bank Spotlight on Talent Program
- Shaun Broeker Featured in TV Report on Veteran’s Eviction Fight
- Steven Mandelsberg Officiates as Judge at National Moot Court Competition
- New FTC Cyber Complaint Shows New Approach
- Thompson Coburn Doubles Down on White Collar/ Litigation Growth With Addition of Thomas Rea, Second Former Federal Prosecutor to Join in 2024
- New Joint Development Circular in Circulation!
- Corporate Transparency Act; Self-Employment Tax and Limited Partners; Discharge of Debt; and Grantor Trust Tax Reimbursement
- The Higher Education Regulatory Outlook for 2024
- Federal Push Brings More Incentives for Housing Development Near Public Transportation
- Robert Shapiro and Tyler Black Present on the Evolution of U.S. Trade Policy
- H-1B Cap Lottery Season Has Arrived. Act Quickly Before the Window Closes!
- NYC Safe and Sick Time Law Amended to Add Private Right of Action
- Lee Podair and Mona Patel Discuss Electronic Bills of Lading Under the UCC
- Nathan Viehl Discusses Software M&A Activity in 2024 and Beyond
- Kacey Riccomini and Joseph Scott Detail California’s New Reproductive Loss Leave
- Industry Coverage: Thompson Coburn Welcomes Three Lateral Additions
- An Exciting January for Administrative Law
- Michele Kloeppel Recognized in 2024 Most Influential Women in Mid-Market M&A
- Proposed Regulations for Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit: Section 45X and Its Impact on Clean Energy Components
- USPTO Says Wands is Still the Test Post-Amgen
- Employee vs. Independent Contractor Under the Fair Labor Standards Act
- Fatima Khan, Martha Mendez-Fischer Named to Missouri Immigration Law Power List
- Are Unmatured Lease Obligations Considered Noncontingent Debt for Purposes of Calculating Eligibility to File a Subchapter V Bankruptcy?
- Michael Rosenblum on Pitfalls of Proposed Cannabis Rescheduling and Banking Protections
- Thompson Coburn Bounds into 2024 with Lateral Additions, Continuing its National Growth
- The Evolving Private Equity Landscape: 2023 in Perspective and Looking Ahead to 2024
- ‘Supercharging’ Office to Housing Conversions: New Federal Resources Available to Speed Conversion of Downtown Buildings
- In M&A, Sellers Should Focus on Their Buyers, Too!
- Health Care Mergers at Risk: New Guidelines Enhance Agencies’ Powers to Challenge Mergers
- Kacey Riccomini Discusses California’s Workplace Violence Prevention Law
- Thompson Coburn Attorneys Share 2024 Trend Predictions
- David Kaufman and Nathan Viehl Discuss Key Factors for Sellers’ Focus in M&A Transactions
- New in New York City in 2024: Workers’ Bill of Rights Notice and Posting Requirement
- Charitable Gifts (incl. Bargain Sales); LLC or Real Estate as Inventory; S Corp. Fid. Inc. Tax (Incl. ESBT NOLs)
- Salary Threshold Increases January 1, 2024
- State Department to Launch Stateside H-1B Visa Renewal Pilot Program
- NY Governor Vetoes Ban of Non-Competes
- Nathan Fonda Contributes to Roundup of Top IP Milestones of 2023
- 2024: We Can Work It Out/Don’t Stop Believing!
- Mergers at Risk: FTC and DOJ Issue New Guidelines to Enhance Powers to Challenge Mergers Across Industries
- Nathan Viehl Discusses Potential Regulatory Risks for Private Equity Firms
- John Galvin, Cheryl Kelly Recognized in Thought Leaders Guide
- NY Labor Law Salary Threshold Changes
- Thompson Coburn Attorneys Contribute to ABA Book on Commercial Lending Law
- Upcoming New York Wage and Hour Changes
- Thompson Coburn Names Six New Partners, Four Counsel for 2024
- Thompson Coburn Attorneys Named to Missouri Top 100 Power List
- Mike Nepple Speaks to Law360 on 2023’s Biggest Copyright Rulings
- OCR Marks 46th HIPAA Right of Access Settlement
- Official Fed Travel to Become More Sustainable
- Class Actions Highlight AI-Assisted Payer Denials
- So, you thought your arbitration agreement was bulletproof: Beware of traps that can render arbitration agreements unenforceable
- Using AI to draft court documents can be sanctionable
- Update to Chicago Zoning Rules Streamlines Approval Timeline
- Farewell 2023; Hello 2024: Employment Law Updates
- David Dick Named to Construction Law Power List
- New York Employment Law Update: NDAs Involving Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation
- Michael Rosenblum on the Best 10 States for Cannabis Businesses
- Biden-Harris administration announces actions to lower health care costs by promoting competition
- Congressional Caucus
- Luke Sosnicki Shares Insights on Legal Challenges to Website Tracking Tools
- Proposed rules published for Chicago’s Paid Leave Ordinance
- Corporate Transparency Act, coming New Year’s Day
- ACI Drug and Medical Device Litigation Conference
- Fatima Khan Speaks on Legal Career Paths at Washington University School of Law
- NCAA proposes to permit schools to finally pay student athletes
- NY Department of Financial Services Updates Regulations on Cybersecurity
- Mackenzie Wallace Co-Authors ABA Book on Managed Care Reimbursement
- Milada Goturi Discusses Best Practices for Addressing HIPAA Violations with Healthcare Risk Management
- Cigna and Humana potentially merging
- Douglas Lang receives Presidential Citation from Dallas Bar Association
- Far-Reaching Federal Corporate Transparency Act to Become Effective January 1, 2024
- California Employers, Are You Ready for 2024? 10 Things to Watch
- Another roadblock to NIL transparency
- OIG Update Modernizes Compliance Program Guidance
- Free Desk Guide and Webinars: ED’s Final Financial Value Transparency and Gainful Employment Rule
- Thompson Coburn Earns Perfect Score on LGBTQ+ Equality Survey for 15th Year
- Patent Term Adjustment woes
- NIL smashes into high school
- Shoko Naruo Recognized as a Rising Star by INTA
- Industry Coverage: David Kaufman Discusses Shein IPO
- FTC Issues Final Rule on New Breach Notice Requirement for Non-Bank Financial Institutions
- Kudos to TC Client Planting Hope for Chicago Innovation Award
- TC Tax Controversy Team Helps Obtain Key Taxpayer Victory at Missouri Supreme Court
- Jennifer Post Discusses Strength of Firm Culture with OurWeekly LA
- Key investor takeaways from OpenAI boardroom drama
- AI class action lawsuits against payers abound
- OCR settles its first ransomware case
- Evan Goldfarb Discusses Leadership Journey with Corporate Counsel
- Nelly’s Black and White Ball is back, raising funds for Make-A-Wish and Harris-Stowe
- ONC Report: More Patients Accessing Electronic Medical Records
- Be careful what you wish for: Using a license instead of a lease may preclude the use of California’s summary eviction procedure
- Leadership Transitions: Ben Grove Joins Diversity in Government Relations Coalition Board and Wraps Up Q Street Presidency
- City of Chicago Expands Paid Time Off for All Chicago Workers
- Larry Katzenstein Honored with Estate Planning Lifetime Service Award
- EPA partnership with Harris-Stowe
- More money, more antitrust concerns
- OCR risk assessment tool makes it easier to comply with key component of HIPAA
- ED’s latest BDR guidance, and why institutions should always respond to claims
- Proposed changes to FTA SSO Rule
- Open enrollment highlights challenges in health care costs and provider/payer relations
- Providers’ recourse when payers wrongfully deny claims using AI
- Presidential Succession
- Katriina McGuire Discusses Zoning and Development Trends with Business Journals
- Industry Coverage: Howard Lavin Joins Thompson Coburn
- Updates to the Illinois Day and Temporary Labor Services Act
- Projecting Debt-to-Earnings Rates Under ED’s New Financial Value Transparency and GE Rule
- Rose Tanner Featured in Missouri Lawyers Media Pro Bono Spotlight
- Ryan Russell Kemper and Paul Sonderegger Named to Environmental & Energy Law Power List
- Mark Indelicato Joins Bloomberg Law Podcast to Discuss WeWork’s Path to Reorganize
- Market insights: Developments in private credit sector
- More from the IDOL on the Paid Leave for All Workers Act
- The USPTO’s ESF-Web and Private PAIR systems will live to see another week
- Thompson Coburn Bolsters New York Growth with Labor & Employment Partner Howard Lavin
- Mark Indelicato Discusses WeWork Comeback Plan in Bloomberg Law
- Thompson Coburn Enhances Tax Credits Practice with Renewable Energy Tax Credits Focus
- Commercial Real Estate Woes: WeWork’d its way into bankruptcy
- Billions at stake for NCAA and Power 5 Conferences in new NIL ruling
- Chicago’s Increased Transfer Tax Wins Key City Vote
- ED’s New Financial Value Transparency and Gainful Employment Rule
- Mike Nepple Discusses Supreme Court Trademark Case with Bloomberg Law
- Biden’s AI Executive Order Impacts Health Care Board Governance
- Title X vs. Texas parental rights
- More NIL and NCAA Litigation: Another Day
- Nicole Williams Shares Experiences in Leadership, DEI on Texas Pane
- Corporate Transparency Act Imposes Significant New Beneficial Ownership Reporting Requirements on Business Entities
- InvestMidwest 2024 applications open
- Thompson Coburn Highlighted for Innovation Protections on WBBM NewsRadio
- American Hospital Association Sues OCR Over 2022 Tracking Technologies Guidance
- OCR Issues New Telehealth Guidance
- Mike Nepple Shares Insights on Supreme Court Case Vidal v. Elster
- Artificial Intelligence Expanding in Health Care
- Finally a path foward to read NIL contracts!
- New FTA Guidance on Dispositions to Support Transit-Oriented Development
- Booker Shaw Named as National Law Journal General Litigation Trailblazer
- White House Issues Wide-Ranging Action on AI
- Legal Updates on New Federal Laws Regarding Pregnant and/or Nursing Workers: Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and PUMP Act
- The No Surprises Act’s Application to Providers
- Why are some IPOs successful and some are not?
- The legal and practical impacts of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health in 2023
- Winning in Negotiating Investment Banker Engagement Letters
- Aaron Lacey Discusses Impact of New Rules from U.S. Education Department
- USPTO report on COVID-19 diagnostic patent applications
- The Clock Is Ticking for Employers to Use the New Version of Form I-9 Beginning on November 1, 2023
- Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference
- Thompson Coburn Named Among Top 100 Executive and Marketing Teams by OnConferences
- Jayna Rust Quoted by CNBC on Economic Tests for 8(a) Business Development Program Applicants
- Texas Supreme Court and Same-Sex Weddings
- Chicago Transfer Tax Increase Proposal
- Illinois Paid Leave for All Workers Act … I *think* we have some clarity!
- Show me the money!
- NIL Collectives: Transparency is key
- Chris Hohn, TC Chair-elect, Speaks at ALM’s Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference
- Janine Figueiredo Named as DEI leader for Turnaround Management Association Executive Board
- Thompson Coburn Named a Sager Award Finalist for DEI Initiatives
- Proposed Increase in Real Estate Transfer Taxes in Chicago
- Mark Indelicato Discusses NJ Favor in Bankruptcy Cases for Law360
- Magic Minute
- Final Rules Issued Amending SEC Schedules 13D and 13G Beneficial Ownership Reporting Requirements
- California’s New Environmental Disclosure Laws Mandate Corporate Transparency
- David Kaufman Discusses Reasons Behind Stock Drops in Fashion IPO Market
- Partner Sonette Magnus Named to ABI’s 2023 “40 Under 40” Emerging Leaders In Insolvency Practice
- Sonette Magnus Recognized by Missouri Lawyers Media on 2023 Up & Coming List
- Cannabis Regulations: State-by-State Rankings for 2023
- Private credit continues its march
- More NIL help from the NCAA
- Thompson Coburn Achieves Mansfield Rule 6.0 ‘Certified Plus’ Designation
- Tom Polcyn and Matt Braunel Discuss GenAI Concerns for Human Authors
- David Kaufman and Nathan Viehl Discuss Tips on Leverage When Selling Your Business
- 2023-24 Women’s Leadership Academy
- Partner Susan Fisher Named a Top 50 Attorney of Dallas by Attorney Intel
- Thompson Coburn Collaborates with SkillBurst, A Generative AI Training Program
- Associate Evelyn Clark Authors NYT Article on Americans With Disabilities Act
- Upcoming Changes to Various Federal Laws Impacting the Health Care Industry
- Eagleton Scholarships Awarded to Lauren Bowers and Blake Comeaux
- Industry Coverage: Thompson Coburn’s Strategic Next-Gen Leadership Announcement
- Kacey Riccomini Quoted on CA Bill Discussing Workplace Violence Prevention
- Mackenzie Wallace and Ashton Dietrich Discuss CMS Final Rule on Prior Authorizations
- Kacey Riccomini Discusses Corporate Fraud Concerns
- Bob Wallace, Jr. Named to the Power List 2023 for Sports and Entertainment Law by Missouri Lawyers Weekly
- Mackenzie Wallace Discusses Biden Administration’s Short-Term Health Plan Proposal
- The End of Non-Competes? A Federal and State Overview on Non-Compete Legislation
- Responding to Student Borrower Defense to Repayment (BDR) Claims: 2023 Edition
- Kristin Niver Joins Thompson Coburn’s Tax Credit Finance and Real Estate Practice Groups in Washington, D.C.
- Missouri Department of Economic Development Proposes Changes to its Historic Tax Credit Regulations
- Claire Schenk Elected Chair of the Board of Casa de Salud
- After the Buzzer – Episode 24: Sports Journalist Jim Thomas and the 2023 NFL Season
- Thompson Coburn Named a Great Place to Work by The Secured Lender
- OIG Publishes New “Featured Topic” on Managed Care Oversight
- Thompson Coburn Positions for Next-Gen Leadership: Announces Next Firm Chair & Senior Leaders
- Joint letter from DOJ and ED signals increased scrutiny of online accessibility for institutions of higher education
- Carl Pesce on Participation Rates in 3M Settlements
- Sharon Rosenberg Named a 2023 “Class Action/Mass Tort Litigation Trailblazer” by The National Law Journal
- Suzanne Galvin Quoted in Bloomberg Law Regarding Revised PFAS Settlement
- Jennifer Post authors Law360 article on venture lending as a solution to down equity markets
- Luke Sosnicki on CPPA Policy Around Artificial Intelligence
- TC Lobbying & Policy Group Selected as Finalist for NLJ Legal Awards 2023
- Executive Session
- Time to develop protocols for responding to borrower defense claims (despite Sweet and Fifth Circuit injunction)
- SEC’s Recent Rule Changes for Private Fund Advisers: What You Need to Know
- Thompson Coburn Named a 2023 Law360 Pulse ‘Ceiling Smasher’ for Women in Equity Partnership
- Blog Browse: Get to know the new I-9 requirements
- Employers, Beware: Recent NLRB Decision Makes it Significantly Easier for Employees to Achieve Union Representation Without an Election
- Evan Goldfarb Named a 2023 Women, Influence and Power in Law Award Winner
- Luke Sosnicki on New California Agency Enforcement Priorities
- Rose Tanner Receives Hon. John R. Essner Young Lawyer Award
- Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Expands Title VII Coverage in a Reversal of Longstanding Precedent
- Judge Rules AI-Generated Art Is Not Copyrightable
- Instagram’s Embedding Tools and Copyright: Ninth Circuit’s Ruling Explained
- After the Buzzer – Episode 23: Sports Journalist Jim Thomas, Part 2
- After the Buzzer – Episode 22: Sports Journalist Jim Thomas, Part 1
- Congratulations to our 2024 Best Lawyers ‘Lawyers of the Year’ and ‘Ones to Watch’
- Hot Topics in California Employment Law
- Kayla Siam Honored with Atlas Award from Leadership Council on Legal Diversity
- Missouri Court of Appeals Provides Additional Guidance on the Admissibility of Expert Testimony
- Clerk of the House
- Thompson Coburn Partner Bill Bay Selected as ABA President-Elect
- Refresher on Cybersecurity Resources for Health Care Entities
- Kacey Riccomini and Aya Elalami Discuss Workplace Violence Concerns in Daily Journal Article
- President and General Manager Diego Gigliani Joins St. Louis CITY SC with Immigration Support From Thompson Coburn
- Mark Sableman Honored with ‘Friend of Missouri Broadcasters’ Award for 25 Years of Dedicated Support
- Ohio Enacts New State Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program
- Mark Indelicato and Mark Power Discuss Challenges and Strategies in the Slumping U.S. Mortgage Industry
- Matt Braunel Discusses New USPTO Rule Sparking Surge in Bids for PTAB Review with Law360
- Shoko Naruo Discusses the Impactful Trademark Decisions of 2023 With Law360
- Changing State Laws: An Update for Employers on the C.R.O.W.N. Act and Marijuana Laws
- Do You Have a Constitutional Right to Food? Understanding the Food Sovereignty Movement
- Welcome to Digital Health Dispatch
- Employers, Be in the Know: I-9 Changes Are Coming!
- Gift Tax Return Adequate Disclosure; Constructive Dividends; Transferee Liability
- Thompson Coburn Marketing Professional David Meyer Honored as ‘Unsung Legal Hero’
- Subjective Intent in False Claims Act: Navigating Ambiguity in Health Care Reimbursement Claims
- David Kaufman Explores How NIL Collectives Could Be Tax-Exempt After IRS Curveball
- Simran Bindra Named a Visionary by LA Times Real Estate Magazine
- Thompson Coburn Named to Bloomberg Law’s DEI Framework for the Third Year in a Row, Recognizing Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Selling Federal Energy Tax Credits: Who, What, When, and How…and Other Important Points
- Shaun Broeker Explores The Veteran’s Journey: Navigating Scams, Mental Health and Legal Challenges
- Affirmative Action in Higher Education: Impact of SFFA v. Harvard and SFFA v. UNC
- Unlocking Cross-Border Success: William F. Hennessey on New York Forum Selection Clauses and Process Agents
- Polcyn and Weidner Analyze the Impact of Jack Daniel’s Decision on Disney’s ‘Lotso’ Trademark Dispute
- Thompson Coburn Team Discusses BIPA Litigation Update in Illinois State Bar Association’s Labor & Employment Law News
- CPPA’s Deputy Director of Enforcement Promises Vigorous Action by Expanded Enforcement Staff
- Silbergeld, Elalami Cover Evolution of Title VII Nearly 60 Years On
- Illinois Passes Legislation Requiring Attorney General Notice of Certain Health Care Transactions
- Thompson Coburn Continues Growth With the Addition of Two Partners and a Texas State Senator as Counsel in Dallas
- Post, Silbergeld Discuss Possible Labor and Employment Law Surge in Los Angeles Business Journal
- Shreve Speaks to National Law Journal on Transatlantic Data Privacy Protection
- Clair and Murphy Honored on First Lawyers of Color “Wonderful Women” List
- Federal Contractors: 14 Common FAR 52.204-27 (the “TikTok ban”) Questions Answered
- Happily Ever After: A Cultural Combination of Thompson Coburn and Hahn & Hessen
- Thompson Coburn’s Washington, D.C. Office Tackles Food Insecurity in the D.C. Region
- Thompson Coburn Accelerates Expansion With Two Partners and Chief Legal Recruiting Officer
- FTC Announces Major Overhaul of HSR Merger Reporting Obligations
- Michael Parks on US Supreme Court’s Decision: Apple and Broadcom to Face Jury Trial Without Patent Invalidity Defense
- Bloomberg Government Names Thompson Coburn a Top-Performing Lobbying Firm
- Provident Behavioral Health Makes Strategic Decision to Acquire Assets from Care and Counseling
- Shapiro Covers Potential CFIUS Issues with PGA, LIV Combination for Yahoo Finance
- The New Sell-Side Playbook: Going on Offense
- Thompson Coburn’s Bill Bay Identifies Evolution as Critical to American Bar Association’s Future in ABA Journal Interview
- Post Included in Los Angeles Business Journal’s LA500 for 2023
- Indelicato Discusses Private Equity Realizing Higher Yields Through Bankruptcies with
- Are Subchapter V Corporate Debtors Subject to the §523(a) Exceptions to Discharge?
- Katie Clark Honored with the Michelle A. Mendez Award of Excellence
- Silbergeld, Elalami Cover What You Need to Know About Biometric Data Violations for Daily Journal
- OSHA: Increased Penalties, Increased Enforcement, Areas of Emphasis
- Supreme Court Case Raises Questions of Administrative Agency Independence and Constitutional Supervision
- 302(b) Allocations
- ED’s Proposed Financial Value Transparency and Gainful Employment Rule
- Correcting Patent Inventorship: The High Bar to Overcome Being Trimmed Fat
- Chambers USA Recognizes Thompson Coburn Practices for Excellence in 2023 Guide
- Thompson Coburn Expands Growing Chicago Office with Employment, Immigration Partner Carlos Ortiz
- Unveiling a Flaw in the CARES Act: Joseph Orbach and Mark Power’s article recognized in Best of ABI 2022
- Glori Bond Receives 2023 Cook County Bar Association Next Generation Award
- Norma Jackson and Fatima Khan selected for SLU Law Community Council on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Blurred lines: The Recent Rulings Changing the Game for Both Union and Non-Union Employers
- New OIG toolkit: Analyzing Telehealth Claims for Program Integrity Risks
- ED’s new rule to decide and disclose the “financial value” of every Title IV program at every school
- BIPA litigation update: Cothron’s impact and employer BIPA defense affirmed
- Thompson Coburn’s Shoko Naruo Shares Insight into Taco Bell Trademark Battle with Law360
- Sign o’ the Times? Supreme Court decides Andy Warhol’s Prince silkscreen is not a fair use
- Thompson Coburn’s Jennifer Post, Simran Bindra honored as Los Angeles Top Lawyers
- Point of Order
- Bitcoin Miner and Lancium patent power showdown in Texas
- Landlords and tenants: Pay close attention to your force majeure provisions
- The Value of Cyber and Privacy Diligence
- Institutional Real Estate looks to Simran Bindra on credit crunch challenging commercial real estate
- Jayna Rust cites internal advocates as crucial in “How I Made Partner” Q&A
- After the Buzzer – Episode 21: Mori Taheripour on negotiating sports contracts
- Speeding into trouble: F1 racing takes legal action against counterfeit merch sellers
- Amanda Hettinger selected for 2023-2024 Class of Leadership St. Louis
- Thompson Coburn team offers key insights on critical issues at General Counsel Conference Midwest
- Mona Patel and Jessica Wang attend CCWC Law Firm Associates Conference
- Thompson Coburn expands Chicago office, adding Tina Bird to the Business Litigation and Real Estate practice groups
- 90/10 rule compliance strategies and considerations for proprietary institutions of higher education
- Matt Rudolphi selected for seat on Board of Directors of the LGBTQ+ Bar Association and Foundation
- SEC releases long-awaited proposal to revise Regulation S-P
- Thompson Coburn hosts successful Women’s Breakfast with “Girl Talk” radio hosts Julie Buck and Nicole Genovese
- Thompson Coburn recognized as the most philanthropic midsize company in St. Louis for second year in a row
- EEO Implications of Dobbs
- Liens from Deferred Estate Tax; Grantor Trusts & Basis Step-Up; Gifts of Business Interests
- Supreme Court rules section 363(m) limitations on bankruptcy sale appeals not jurisdictional
- Art Silbergeld rejoins Thompson Coburn’s Los Angeles office
- The American Lawyer turns to Roman Wuller for insight into Missouri-based law firm revenue growth
- Thompson Coburn ranks in top 200 of 2022 Leopard Law Firm Index
- Jennifer Ecklund receives Profiles in Leadership Award at Southern Methodist University’s Women’s Symposium
- Thompson Coburn Assists in Creation of Lindenwood Education System and Acquisition of Dorsey College
- News reporting use of insurrection photo held to be fair use
- Financial institution’s mobile or digital wallet accused of infringing Liberty Peak Ventures’ patent rights
- Statement of Administration Policy
- Diona Rogers named 2023 Secured Finance Network 40 Under 40 Award winner
- As corporate bankruptcies escalate, look to Thompson Coburn’s Trade Creditor Manual for guidance
- Kayla Siam selected as 2023 College of Business Alumni Hall of Achievement Inductee
- Kayla Siam Encourages Students to “Borrow Lessons” as Governors State University Convocation Keynote Speaker
- The New York Business Litigation Practice and the Financial Restructuring and Bankruptcy Practice secure another victory for Howard Ehrenberg
- Transport Topics turns to Nick Kappas for overview of new tax credit for EV commercial vehicles
- Safeguarding the Data and Your Compliance Program – USED and GLBA
- Thompson Coburn releases booklet celebrating Charlye O. Farris and Edna Cisneros, the first women of color to be admitted to the State Bar of Texas
- A review of ED’s new third-party servicer guidance and suggestions for public comment
- Subleasing and false advertising: How trademark law can help property managers
- Thompson Coburn attorneys begin LCLD development programs
- The American Lawyer turns to Michele Kloeppel for insights on navigating the corporate law landscape
- Pay transparency may be coming to Illinois job postings sooner than we thought
- Layoffs: Union, Plant Closing and Discrimination Considerations
- PACid sues major financial institution for patent infringement for user authentication technology
- Summary judgment win for Canadian Standards Association
- Now is the time to electrify your commercial vehicles
- Thompson Coburn releases 2022 Diversity & Inclusion Report
- Discretionary Spending
- DOJ’s evolving ‘carrot and stick’ approach to increasing health care fraud corporate compliance
- Thompson Coburn celebrates Women’s History Month 2023
- Blog Browse: FSA issues GLBA Safeguards Rule guidance
- FSA issues GLBA Safeguards Rule guidance
- Preparing for the EU’s upcoming Unitary Patent regime: Four things patent owners need to know
- Michael Parks and Diona Rogers participate on panels at the 2023 Midwest BLSA 55th Annual Regional convention
- UNT Dallas Moot Court Team Shines at Competition Thanks to Support from Thompson Coburn Attorneys
- New USAO policy for voluntary self-disclosure in corporate criminal enforcement actions provides greater predictability for health care organizations
- Suzanne Galvin talks to St. Louis Public Radio about providing crisis counseling to Ukrainian refugees
- AuthWallet sues financial transaction industry for patent infringement
- JD Supra names Aaron Lacey a 2023 Readers’ Choice Top Author for Education
- Thompson Coburn welcomes new COO Allen Capdeboscq Jr. and CM&BDO Trish Lilley as strategic leadership hires
- Suzanne Galvin joins Ukrainian Partnership Foundation Board
- California urges Ninth Circuit to set a higher bar for dismissing false advertising claims at the pleadings stage
- Reaching across state lines in judgment enforcement collection
- FTC issues fine to GoodRx over information sharing
- Nick Lamb inducted into the American College of Trial Lawyers
- Nick Kappas rejoins Thompson Coburn’s Tax practice
- DOJ withdraws three long-standing antitrust policy statements, leaving health care organizations in limbo
- Mural copyrights: Yes, it’s a thing! Don’t end up with paint on your face
- New NLRB ruling changes what terms private sector employers can include in many severance agreements
- A follow-up summary of the Regulation ZZ final rule
- It’s H-1B Cap Season Time
- ED issues significant third-party servicer guidance and launches review of Incentive Compensation Rule
- It’s H-1B cap lottery season time!
- World Trademark Review names Tom Polcyn to 2023 WTR 1000 list
- Ninth Circuit strikes down California’s ban on mandatory arbitration agreements
- Thompson Coburn team discusses Trademark Modernization Act’s new procedures aimed at rooting out unused marks in Law360 article
- St. Louis chapter of Cystic Fibrosis Foundation honors Thompson Coburn with Champion Award
- Fiduciary Income Tax Refresher and Update 2023
- Thompson Coburn and Bayer honored for securing the No. 3 defense verdict in Missouri in 2022
- Where do BIPA claims stand after the Illinois Supreme Court’s decision on the law’s statute of limitations?
- Motion to Vacate
- Diagnosing a proposal to eliminate non-competes: Five ways it impacts the health care industry
- Illinois Supreme Court holds that a five-year statute of limitations will apply to all BIPA Claims
- Brittney Mollman selected for FOCUS St. Louis Emerging Leaders program
- Put down your fiddle: Third Circuit halts Johnson & Johnson’s Texas two-step
- Federal court rules that bank doesn’t have to reimburse fraudulent Zelle transfers
- Regulations for businesses owning farmland: A primer on AFIDA and state rules
- Preserving Income Tax Benefits from Estate Tax Audits; S Corporation Sales; Partnership Redemptions
- The proposed FTC rule to ban non-compete clauses: What California employers need to know
- New year, new laws: A potpourri of new employment laws that went into effect in 2023
- The Higher Education Regulatory Outlook for 2023
- Labor and employment attorney Genevieve LeFevour joins Thompson Coburn
- Discharge Petition
- New Year, New Laws: A look into the employment law landscape for 2023
- Employers beware! FTC proposes sweeping rule banning nearly all employee (and independent contractor) non-compete agreements
- Congratulations to the new Thompson Coburn partners for 2023
- Trademark Modernization Act: What we learned after one year
- Thompson Coburn partners with WNBA’s Dallas Wings, Karima Christmas-Kelly Foundation for holiday giveback
- ABF Journal turns to Jennifer Post for current trends and opportunities in venture debt
- Kind Bar MDL plaintiffs appeal federal district court smack down
- Illinois appeals court holds that BIPA Section 15(a) requires retention-and-destruction policies upon possession of any biometric data
- Federal Trade Commission to seek comments on Proposed Updates to its “Green Guides”
- Countdown to CPRA
- Weeding out cannabis patent infringement claims
- Five considerations for health care providers’ marketing of Medicare Advantage Plans
- International trade policy and compliance reflect holistic shift
- Committee System
- SEC adopts new executive clawback requirements for erroneously awarded compensation
- Maine’s PFAS product reporting deadline is quickly approaching: Are you ready?
- Diversity & Flexibility Alliance names TC a 2022 “Tipping the Scales Firm”
- The changing landscape of domestic preferences for federal infrastructure projects under BABA
- Thompson Coburn celebrates meeting WILEF “Gold Standard” for women leaders for the ninth straight year
- DOJ Cyber Fraud Initiative – Cyber Faces the FCA Hammer
- Amendment 3 has passed in Missouri: What’s next for recreational marijuana in the state?
- Missouri’s new marijuana law: What employers need to know
- Thompson Coburn celebrates Black excellence with Dallas’ J.L. Turner Legal Association Foundation
- Referendum
- EPA announces proposed rule on HFC allowance allocations for 2024-2028
- USPTO official filing receipts erroneously omit foreign filing licenses
- Supreme Court to decide limits of attorney client privilege: Why the Ninth Circuit decision spells disaster for the sanctity of legal advice
- EEOC releases new “Know Your Rights” job discrimination poster
- Transportation Security Administration releases security directive on railroad cybersecurity mitigation actions and testing
- Loan Guarantees; Debt in Capital Structure; Ordinary Income on Sale of Business
- Title IX update: Important new ED guidance concerning pregnancy
- Leveraging the second bite of the apple
- Mackenzie Wallace discusses the latest trends and challenges facing today’s health care market on AHLA podcast
- What is in a name? Eleventh Circuit holds there is no safe harbor for UCC errors in Florida
- Employers: Get ready for new California HR laws in 2023 and beyond – 10 things to look out for
- Thompson Coburn achieves Mansfield Rule 5.0 ‘Certified Plus’ status
- California issues first fine under CCPA
- Eagleton Scholarships awarded to Beth Althouse and Haleigh Hoskins
- Question for the Record (QFR)
- FTC solicits feedback on advance notice of proposed rulemaking related to commercial surveillance and data security practices
- After the Buzzer – Episode 20: Debbie Spander and Marc Isenberg on NIL Deals
- CMS seeks stakeholder feedback on COVID-19 waivers in new request for information
- R&W Insurance and Contingent Risk Insurance tools to help get M&A transactions completed
- Janette Lohman featured as one of Ingram’s “50 Missourians You Should Know”
- New SEC pay versus performance rules to increase information reporting regarding executives: What you will need to include in your next proxy statement
- The best way to keep one’s word is not to give it; “nonbinding” usually means nonbinding
- Proposed Regulation ZZ’s LIBOR transition rules for tough legacy contracts
- Larry Katzenstein talks proposed mortality assumptions on ACTEC Trust & Estate Talk podcast
- Thompson Coburn named a Law360 ‘Ceiling Smasher’ in 2022 for women in equity partnership
- A brief primer on PFAS litigation: Trends and future disputes
- Health care attorney Bryan Gray Looney joins Thompson Coburn
- Jesse Doggendorf and April Kirkley named to 2022 Up & Coming list
- Can Internet mischief be caught?
- Civil Monetary Penalties for non-compliance with the Hospital Price Transparency Rule have arrived
- Do you want your EEO-1 reports made public?
- Celebrating 40 years of TC in DC
- Thompson Coburn again named to Bloomberg Law’s DEI Framework for law firms committed to diversity, equity and inclusion
- Congratulations to our 2023 Best Lawyers ‘Lawyers of the Year’ and ‘Ones to Watch’
- Compromise and Settlement Authority
- After the Buzzer – Episode 19: David Cornwell on LIV Golf
- Three red flags for sellers in M&A transactions
- Tom Polcyn talks to Thomson Reuters’ ‘Technologist’ about the Metaverse
- OIG issues fraud alert warning practitioners of risks with telemedicine arrangements
- Nicole Williams, Jasmine Wynton earn 2022 Texas Legal Awards
- Five takeaways from the Amazon/One Medical transaction
- Bankruptcy Code § 363(m) is now up for interpretation at the U.S. Supreme Court
- ED’s Proposed Borrower Defense to Repayment Rule: A Detailed Examination
- SEC proposes amendments to Rule 14a-8 that would enhance shareholders’ ability to add proposals to proxy statements
- Western District of Texas finally spurred to action to address Waco division patent dominance
- Drew Moore, Chicago Innovation ring the closing bell at Nasdaq
- Thompson Coburn has been selected as lead counsel to Creditors’ Committee in the Chapter 11 case filed First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation
- State Tax in Estate Planning; Employment Tax; Blockers; S Corporation Single Class of Stock
- Recent amendments to Illinois’ Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program provide clarity for investors
- Elizabeth Myers and Jennifer Ecklund discuss anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, other legal threats at Citywide Pride event
- The Thompson Coburn brand enters the Metaverse
- Select Committee
- Department of Education proposes sweeping revisions to Borrower Defense to Repayment rule
- What every shipper should know about OSRA 22
- Recent Updates in Illinois Law
- ED’s New Title IX Rule: A Careful Review and Suggestions for Public Comment
- New disclosure laws raise concerns for nontraditional lenders: Stephen Grable authors Financial Advisor and BAI Banking Strategies articles
- Retailers get more rent leverage in bankruptcy: Joseph Orbach interviewed by Bloomberg Law
- Department of Education agrees to mass granting of BDR applications to settle lawsuit
- M&A and tax attorney Mariquita Barbieri joins Thompson Coburn in St. Louis
- Can health care companies create physician programs while avoiding anti-kickback liability?
- U.S. Department of Education unveils proposed revisions to Title IX regulations
- Thompson Coburn attorneys successfully advocate for technical corrections to the Bankruptcy Code
- Freedom Suits Memorial unveiled in downtown St. Louis with help from Thompson Coburn donation
- U.S. Supreme Court sides with employers over arbitration of PAGA claims
- John and Suzanne Galvin’s journey to Ukraine: ‘If we train 30 people, they can help 3,000’
- SEC proposes ESG reporting and disclosure requirements for investment advisers
- The City of Chicago amends sexual harassment laws, including new training, policy, and notice requirements
- Why Illinois Privacy and Cyber Developments Matter Nationwide
- OCR issues HIPAA guidance on audio-only telehealth services
- A recent decision highlighted a flaw in the Bankruptcy Code.
- A recent decision highlighted a flaw in the Bankruptcy Code. Will the House of Representatives pass the Bankruptcy Threshold Adjustment and Technical Corrections Act to correct it?
- IPR estoppel on grounds similar, but not identical, to grounds that could have been raised in an IPR
- How to choose a lawyer for the sale of your business
- Brandeis University features alumna Jennifer Post in lead Pride Month story
- Thompson Coburn attorneys recognized in 2022 Chambers USA
- SCOTUS holds prejudice is not required for waiver of right to arbitrate
- Illinois Department of Labor issues first guidance on the state’s Equal Pay Act
- Defending Class Actions
- Nuts and Bolts of Attorney Client Privilege: What is it, when it applies and when it may be worth waiving
- Offsets
- Project owners can effectively combat contractors’ efforts to use the Spearin Doctrine as a sword with strategic planning beforehand
- Jasmine Wynton appointed to the Northern District of Texas’ Court Advisory Committee
- Utah and Connecticut enact comprehensive data privacy laws
- California raises minimum wage for all employers
- Thompson Coburn recognized as the most philanthropic midsize company in St. Louis
- Thinking about leaving private practice? What should physicians do with medical records?
- ED’s Increased Scrutiny of College Contracts with Online Program Managers
- 2022 Litigation Update
- How to End a Business Relationship Without Litigating
- Think an NFT is not a security? Don’t bet on it. Three lessons from the Texas and Alabama cease and desist order of Sand Vegas Casino Club
- New GAO report signals increased scrutiny of Higher Ed contracts with online program managers
- Keeping clean to reduce M&A antitrust risk: Three tips for clean teams during due diligence
- Thompson Coburn presents ‘The Wraparound’ at the 2022 CLOC Global Institute
- D.C. office raises funds for World Central Kitchen to honor Kent Woodman’s volunteer trip to the Ukraine border
- Basis Step-Up by Trust Modification; BDOT by Trust Distribution; Preferred Partnerships Preferred to Fees
- Supreme Court rules for Austin, Texas, upholding off-premise sign regulations
- 10 Ways To Avoid Cyber & Privacy Lawsuits
- Policyholder Insurance Trends for 2022
- Tom and Becky Minogue receive Service to Children Award from Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital
- 85% of contractors are at risk of making a false certification in the OFCCP Contractor Portal: Does that include you?
- Earmarks (Community Project Funding)
- Negotiated rulemaking and the new 90/10 rule
- Dallas office wins two awards in 2022 law firm campaign for the North Texas Food Bank
- USCIS expands premium processing services on certain backlogged immigration cases
- The Practical Lawyer features Larry Katzenstein in ‘Conversation with an expert’
- SEC proposes SPAC rules to provide additional investor protections
- Department of Education moves to make owners, investors, and controlling parties responsible for college and university liabilities
- New U.S. trademark and copyright procedures
- After the Buzzer – Episode 18: CEO of LEAD1 Association Tom McMillen
- An introduction to the Adjustable Interest (LIBOR) Act: The federal response to LIBOR replacement
- Ariele Strauss named 2022 Secured Finance Network 40 Under 40 Award winner
- SEC proposes new cybersecurity requirements for public companies
- Sonette Magnus named a 2022 Women’s Justice Award winner
- SEC proposes new rules for climate-related disclosure
- USCIS updates guidance on employment authorization for certain E and L nonimmigrant spouses
- The ABF Journal podcast calls on Dan Ford for LIBOR transition details
- Updated as of March 17: Should they stay or should they go: Fate of waivers following expiration of the federal PHE
- CMS offers new value-based care opportunities as it “REACHES” in a new direction and redesigns GPDC Model for Direct Contracting Entities
- Illinois Appellate Panel Upholds Employer Defense Against Employee BIPA Claims: Union Employee BIPA Claims Preempted by Federal Labor Law
- Chapter 12 family farmer cases in Missouri: An updated look inside the numbers
- Susan Lorenc gives ‘Employment Law Master Class’ on business consultant Dave Lorenzo’s podcast
- World Trademark Review names Tom Polcyn to WTR 1000 list
- Numerous privacy bills introduced in California legislature
- Supreme Court excuses copyright application mistake
- Fracas in the French Quarter: Fifth Circuit weighs in on ongoing controversy over the intersection of Bankruptcy Code Sections 363(f) and 365(h)
- Fiduciary Income Tax Refresher and Update 2022
- Sanctions
- Thompson Coburn releases 2021 Diversity & Inclusion Report
- Texas sues Meta for alleged violations of Texas biometric law
- Thompson Coburn represents CRG in $425.15 million portfolio sale
- The other side of IPR estoppel: When shotgun petitions backfire
- SEC announces proposed rule related to cybersecurity risk management for investment advisers
- Complying with the Revised FTC Safeguards Rule: Lessons from the New York Experience
- Katriina McGuire named managing partner of Thompson Coburn’s Chicago office
- Omnibus
- Illinois Supreme Court ruling curtails prominent BIPA defense
- New law to bar mandatory arbitration of sexual harassment and assault claims
- IPR Estoppel: The Federal Circuit finally speaks, and affirms the broader interpretation for estoppel
- Tony Anderson, longtime co-chair of Thompson Coburn Diversity Committee, hands reins to Amanda Hettinger
- Responding to Student Borrower Defense to Repayment (BDR) Claims
- Not so Technical: A Flaw in the CARES Act’s Correction to “Small Business Debtor”
- Do I really need a mentor? Does the sun rise in the East?
- So you’re a health care provider who’s received a civil investigative demand. Now what?
- Thompson Coburn earns perfect score on LGBTQ equality for 14 consecutive years
- Thompson Coburn announces historic settlement for sexual assault survivors with City of Austin, Austin Police Department
- DOJ and OIG ramp up enforcement of risk adjustment coding: 5 compliance tips for providers
- IRS Procedural Update; Buy-Sell Development; Loan Guarantees
- Head coach Bradley Carnell joins St. Louis CITY SC with immigration support from Thompson Coburn
- Katie Kraft rejoins Thompson Coburn to co-chair national Public Transit practice
- Real estate and finance attorney Josh Mogin joins Thompson Coburn in Los Angeles
- Thompson Coburn joins food and PPE distribution event for 2022 MLK Day of Service
- Thompson Coburn releases 2021 Ag Innovation Survey on the impact of COVID, future of the ag industry
- Government Accountability Office
- Congratulations to the new Thompson Coburn partners for 2022
- Uyghur Forced Labor legislation passes House & Senate
- Sonette Magnus featured in St. Louis Business Journal for serving as Canada’s ‘eyes and ears on the ground’
- Photo publisher’s checklist: Seven New Year’s legal resolutions for your website
- Federal Trade Commission publishes final updated Safeguards Rule
- ‘We boarded the plane. Thank god.’ — Thompson Coburn, Rep. Ann Wagner come together to help Afghan family escape the Taliban
- Sixth Circuit dissolves stay of OSHA vax or test mandate for large employers paving way for enforcement
- Computer-security incident notification requirement takes effect April 1, 2022
- Health care litigators recoup significant insurance payments for Vibra Healthcare, other providers in 2021
- Thompson Coburn strengthens national appellate practice with Dallas addition of Justice Douglas Lang
- The Higher Education Regulatory Outlook for 2022
- Congressional Calendar
- Bob Wallace talks sports on Scoops with Danny Mac podcast
- FTC warns of penalties for false endorsements
- Fatima Khan joins Thompson Coburn as an immigration partner
- CA appellate court ‘sounds off’ on neighborly dispute over noisy property
- Summer camps on campus: A risk management checklist for postsecondary professionals
- Banks and financial institutions targeted in a wave of patent lawsuits for supporting Samsung Pay
- Disinformation report suggests major legal reforms
- The Revised FTC Safeguards Rule – What It Means and Why It Is More Important Than You Might Think
- Missouri Supreme Court clarifies meaning and application of co-employee immunity statute
- Thompson Coburn partners with Diversity Lab to welcome women attorneys back to the workforce
- David Warfield talks to Axios about Johnson & Johnson’s ‘Texas Two Step’ strategy for talc claims
- Diversity & Flexibility Alliance names TC a 2021 “Tipping the Scales Firm”
- Breaking Developments in Employee Benefits Plans
- Second Circuit rules that risk of future identity theft not enough to support standing in data breach class action
- New OSHA Rules
- Best Practices and Risk Considerations Relating to Summer Camps on Campus
- Non-practicing entities increasingly are targeting banks and financial institutions in patent litigation
- Four Corners
- Recent Developments in Labor & Employment Law
- CFPB provides additional guidance on “Unauthorized Electronic Fund Transfers”
- Federal contractor COVID safety protocols may reach further within your workforce than you expect
- Johnson & Johnson: The Texas two-step and talc-related liabilities
- Thompson Coburn named to Bloomberg Law’s new national framework for law firm diversity, equity and inclusion
- SEC urges SPACs to include disclosures of conflicts of interest
- EPA continues to advance aggressive PFAS strategy with new RCRA rulemakings
- Jim Shreve talks cybersecurity and higher education with University Business
- Remote Work Issues
- Note Modifications; Reorganizing Private Business; Trust Sale of Business Interests
- Thompson Coburn represents Maxim Partners in its blockbuster $610M sale of Zesty Paws
- CPPA invites comments on various privacy topics
- Thompson Coburn celebrates meeting WILEF “Gold Standard” for women leaders for the eighth straight year
- Employers: Are you ready for new California HR laws in 2022?
- Missouri real estate dispute spotlights the limits of oft-used contract phrase
- Meet the Thompson Coburn Fall Associates
- Regulatory risks of marketing CBD-infused food, beverages, and dietary supplements
- The evolving standing doctrine in privacy litigation – Ramirez and beyond
- New Vaccine Mandates
- Eagleton Scholarships awarded to Ash Dodwani and Derek Froman
- Federal rumblings point to increased interest in limiting non-competes
- Sonette Magnus joins Thompson Coburn as a litigation partner
- A new theory of liability under the Anti-Kickback Statute: “File access theory”
- ‘Waters of the United States’ and ‘Navigable Waters Protection’ rules remain in flux, as EPA and Corps buy time to propose replacements
- Colloquy
- Legacy Advised Funds: Finally, here’s something to “LAF” about
- Three key differences between the Cargo Preference Act clauses
- Thad Blenke named a 2021 Missouri Up & Coming Lawyer
- 12 answers: The federal contractor vaccine and masking requirements
- No more half measures: pleading infringer knowledge in contributory copyright infringement claims
- Thompson Coburn named a Law360 ‘Ceiling Smasher’ for women in equity partnership
- St. Louis Hispanic Chamber of Commerce selects Martha Mendez-Fischer for Hispanic Leadership Institute
- If you have seen one health care deal you have seen … One health care deal
- Thompson Coburn achieves Mansfield Rule 4.0 ‘Certified Plus’ status
- Evan Raskas Goldfarb named a 2021 BTI M&A Client Service All-Star
- President Biden announces new vaccine mandate for large employers
- A two-minute overview of the September 9 executive order on contractor “vaccines”
- Adrienne Harris nominated as Superintendent of the New York State Department of Financial Services
- Committee of Jurisdiction
- Subchapter V in the Eighth Circuit: The data from the first 18 months
- Mike Nepple receives F. William McCalpin Pro Bono Award
- Be prepared for the new Illinois equal pay reporting and certification requirements
- Claims under CCPA survive motion to dismiss
- Medicaid expansion prevails in Missouri following pro bono effort by Thompson Coburn, Bryan Cave
- Illinois governor signs law that applies limits to non-competition and non-solicitation agreements
- Missouri appellate court awards $7.5M to business partner in breakup of Missouri political consulting firm
- Jennifer Post talks to ALM’s The Recorder about serving as Thompson Coburn’s first LGBTQ office managing partner
- HSR filers: Close at your own risk as FTC is overwhelmed by “tidal wave of merger filings”
- Congratulations to our 2022 Best Lawyers ‘Lawyers of the Year’ and ‘Ones to Watch’
- Connecticut enacts cybersecurity laws aimed at data breaches
- Texas amends data breach notification law, creates public listing of data breaches
- When can you sue on your new patent? That depends on your time zone.
- 2021 rules changes: Texas Rules of Civil Procedure
- Update – SOFR and LIBOR Replacement
- Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines in Postsecondary Education
- Mark Indelicato elected president of the New York Institute of Credit
- Too infringing to bear: NY court sides with photographer in suit over embedded image
- Dynamic Scoring
- Thompson Coburn attorneys included in Chambers’ 2021 High Net Worth guide
- What you need to know about recent changes to New York’s power of attorney law
- The federal contractor $15 minimum wage: Who, what, when, where, why, how
- Cannabis company denied arbitration – reminder to avoid conflicting remedies in lease agreements
- Amendments to the Illinois Residential Real Property Transfer on Death Instrument Act make significant changes
- Business Owner Compensation vs. Distribution; Modifying Trusts or Their Investments in Light of Proposed Income Tax Changes
- Is 2021 the year of meaningful cannabis banking reform?
- California Privacy: CCPA and Beyond
- Colorado enacts consumer privacy law, becoming third state to do so
- United Way names Todd Schnuck and Roman Wuller co-chairs of 2021 campaign in St. Louis
- Postsecondary Institutions: Business Considerations
- New requirement for corporations doing business in Illinois to publicly report employee demographic data
- Debt Ceiling
- Supreme Court Upholds, but Narrows, Assignor Estoppel
- Steve Gorin receives Distinguished Estate Planner Award from Estate Planning Council of St. Louis
- Recent amendments to South Carolina’s low-income housing credit statute provides potential investment opportunities for financial institutions
- Thompson Coburn signs on for Mansfield 5.0 to expand diversity and equity in Big Law
- Thompson Coburn hosts virtual tea with history-making LGBTQ Judge Jill Rose Quinn of Illinois
- 2021 is the last year for retirement plan unlimited ‘Quasi-Rollover’ to charity
- Don’t get sunk: 5 common misunderstandings when shipping cargo under government contracts
- Thompson Coburn combines with Hahn & Hessen, expands to New York
- Do You Have Boundary Issues? Ethical Pitfalls in Multi-Jurisdictional Practice
- Jennifer Post named to LA500 for 2021
- Illinois legislature makes substantial limiting changes to state law on non-compete and non-solicitation agreements
- IRS provides new guidance on the COBRA premium subsidy under the American Rescue Plan Act
- You just received a grand jury subpoena. Now what?
- Norma Jackson selected for 2021-2022 Class of Leadership St. Louis
- Janette Lohman selected as State Tax Lawyer of the Year by Finance Monthly
- Lessons from a long-ago deepfakes prosecution
- Thompson Coburn moves to new offices in Los Angeles
- Conference Chair
- EEOC issues new guidance on COVID-19 vaccinations in the workplace
- Jennifer Post talks to Business Insider about startup considerations before going public
- Thompson Coburn attorneys recognized in 2021 Chambers USA
- Blog Browse: What can recent FCA decisions tell us about the Seventh Circuit pleading standard for health care billing fraud claims?
- What can recent FCA decisions tell us about the Seventh Circuit pleading standard for health care billing fraud claims?
- Cooperation and a commitment to a compliance program results in a DOJ non-prosecution agreement for SAP
- After the Buzzer – Episode 17: Part 2: Incoming Missouri Valley Conference Commissioner Jeff Jackson
- Contributory copyright infringement: Can you ever know what you don’t know?
- Missouri legislature passes new protections for businesses from COVID-19 suits
- HEERF audit guide and webinar recording now available
- Thompson Coburn recognized for philanthropic contributions to St. Louis region
- Litigation fees may be tax-deductible, confirms new Tax Court ruling
- EPA incorporates environmental justice into enforcement policy: How can regulated industries prepare?
- Examining ED’s Incentive Compensation Rule
- Jayna Rust selected for NAPABA Leadership Advancement Program
- Corporate and securities partner Susan Fisher joins Thompson Coburn in Dallas
- Jennifer Post honored among 2021 influential women attorneys in Los Angeles
- After the Buzzer – Episode 16: Part 1: Missouri Valley Conference Commissioner Doug Elgin
- Business Opportunities; TP Asserts Substance over Form; Unincorp. Entity as S Corp
- With the government’s attention turning to taxes, your estate plan may need your attention
- OFAC initiates 45-day wind-down of Belarus General License 2
- What you need to know about CMS’s recovery of COVID-19 Accelerated and Advance Payments
- NPR’s Planet Money podcast calls on Dave Warfield for episode on robocalls
- Key considerations for target companies in a SPAC merger
- Growing U.S.-China tensions put companies in a bind
- IRS clarifies employee retention tax credit rules for Q1 and Q2 of 2021
- Permanent changes finally coming to telehealth
- U.S., EU, and UK ease trade tensions in Boeing-Airbus dispute and temporarily halt tariffs
- Community Project Funding (Earmarks)
- IBA confirms cessation of LIBOR tenors
- U.S. government response in China Section 301 Master Answer continues fight
- Illinois adds additional restrictions on use of background checks and new EEO requirements
- SEC emphasizes ESG by establishing new website and taking public comments on climate disclosure
- USTR proposes duties in response to six countries’ Digital Services Tax
- New CCPA regulations announced shortly before new Attorney General named
- Josh Adrian, Matt Rudolphi join Thompson Coburn’s national energy practice
- Hard-fought copyright case produces just $750 award
- Returning to Work During COVID-19: Employment and Privacy Law Considerations
- Changes to Missouri discovery rules made official by Missouri Supreme Court
- What employers need to know about the COBRA premium subsidy provisions of the American Rescue Plan Act
- Will there be reform of Alice and Mayo in 2021?
- IRS extends filing and payment deadline for individual taxpayers
- Fighting for every foot: Chicago restaurant Cochon Volant wins commercial lease dispute, recoups hundreds of thousands of dollars in overpaid rent
- A wave of new state privacy legislation may be on the horizon
- New DOL guidance on missing participants: What employers should know
- A race between West Texas and Delaware for the patent venue of choice
- New York Assembly introduces the Biometric Privacy Act
- IRS clarifies legislative changes to the employee retention tax credit
- Senate Parliamentarian
- Thompson Coburn is Texas proud after first year in Dallas
- Hawaiian style or made in Hawaii: Class action lawsuit highlights product origin labeling laws
- UAV patent battles wage on
- Budget Reconciliation
- Delivering a false impression: Postmates faces unfair competition allegations
- The Clock is Ticking: Iowa Jumps into NIL Race with Proposed NIL Bill, effective July 1, 2021
- Controlling the airspace: Dogfight begins over defined airspace patents
- Thompson Coburn releases coloring book celebrating the life of Texas legal pioneer Gloria Bradford
- After the Buzzer – Episode 15: Sean Frazier, Athletic Director at Northern Illinois University
- Higher Education Transactions: Valuation & Structure
- Fifth Circuit vacates $4.3M HHS enforcement penalty for HIPAA violations
- Fiduciary Income Tax Refresher and Update 2021
- Booker Shaw receives Diversity & Inclusion Award from Missouri Lawyers Media
- CMMC and 800-171 in Government Contracting and Higher Education
- What employers need to know about mandatory COVID-19 vaccines and exceptions
- After the Buzzer – Episode 14: Sports agent Leigh Steinberg
- HHS provides updated guidance on Provider Relief Fund reporting requirements
- Acting Secretary
- The Regulatory Outlook for Higher Education
- Thompson Coburn earns perfect score on LGBTQ equality for 13 years
- U.S. Mint releases Christa McAuliffe Commemorative Coin to benefit client FIRST
- The NCAA Implements a Four Corners Offense As it Postpones NIL Rule Changes
- Preliminary IRS guidance regarding traditional and QACA safe harbor 401(k) plans under the Secure Act
- Sales Between Trusts; Writing Off Business Interests; Partnership Audit Rule Update
- The current status of LIBOR replacement and what financial institutions and their customers need to know now
- New year, new ideas for diversity and inclusion!
- Dude, your car is with your creditor: How the Supreme Court’s decision on automatic stays may impact creditors
- Prejudgment interest may be allowed in personal injury and wrongful death claims
- Health care litigator Mackenzie Wallace joins Thompson Coburn in Dallas
- FAA ends 2020 with announcement of two major drone rules
- We’ve got ‘beef’: Plant-based meat maker appeals decision in favor of Oklahoma’s new labeling law
- Patent Office clarifies standard for indefiniteness in AIA post-grant proceedings
- Additional due diligence may be required for many exports to China
- New administration, new priorities: Preparing for the Biden-Harris Administration’s key environmental focus areas
- Congratulations to the new Thompson Coburn partners for 2021
- Commercial landlords: Time to tighten up your lease waivers of liability?
- Use of fake identities found deceitful in commercial email — why not elsewhere on the Internet?
- Substantial changes to trademark and copyright law tucked away in recent stimulus package
- Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds reporting requirements
- Nine Bankruptcy Code amendments included in latest appropriations bill
- Living our values in 2020
- COVID IV legislation: A summary of provisions most impacting higher education
- Key tax provisions in the coronavirus relief bill
- Maintaining privilege over forensic data-breach reports
- California Attorney General submits fourth set of CCPA modifications for review
- OIG issues special fraud alert on health care speaker programs
- EPA recommends new requirements in NPDES permits to address PFAS in wastewater and stormwater
- Chicago raises ‘Cloud Tax’ in response to $1.2 billion budget gap
- Brent Trame named a 2020 BTI Client Service All-Star
- Seventh Circuit rejects ‘ingredient list’ and ‘common sense’ defenses in cheese labeling lawsuit
- Amazon and U.S. IPR Center announce “Operation Fulfilled Action”
- Presidential Transition Act
- No preemption for you: “No preservatives” soup label lawsuit not preempted
- Steve Gorin elected into National Association of Estate Planners & Councils Estate Planning Hall of Fame
- Thompson Coburn releases first Ag Innovation Survey on the impact of COVID, future of the ag industry
- DOJ continues to pursue health care fraud during COVID-19 pandemic
- Thompson Coburn recognized as one of the most philanthropic companies in St. Louis
- Talking About Your IP Rights
- SEC expands private placement availability by easing integration requirements
- Year-end planning just got a whole lot more complicated
- Federal Energy Policy: Impact of the 2020 Election
- Election Day Impacts for Cyber and Privacy
- Game, set, match: Sometimes the photo is the story
- California Privacy Rights Act passes
- Labor, Employment and Employee Benefits Supreme Court Review
- SEC updates 10-K and 10-Q disclosure requirements – Regulation S-K Items 101, 103 and 105
- After the Buzzer – Episode 13: Kurt Hunzeker on the XFL BattleHawks
- Presidential Electors
- What employers should know about lifetime income disclosure requirements for defined contribution plans
- Remote Work Issues & Implications
- Additional updates to the Provider Relief Fund
- When a Gift Is Subject to Income Tax; Beneficiary Deemed-Owned Trusts; Making Large Taxable Gifts
- COVID-19 and older employees: What employers should know and how they can lessen the impact
- Provider Relief Fund updates: Phase 3 distribution and reporting requirements
- EPA Final Rule may keep projects at existing major sources from triggering stringent pre-construction permitting requirements
- What real estate parties should consider for letters of intent
- Employee Benefits Update
- Protecting the Ever-Increasing Endpoints in Higher Education
- 2020 ‘Waters of the United States’ Rule narrows federal authority and may open opportunity for development
- Re-Opening Issues and Employer Liability Concerns In The Era Of COVID-19
- Graffiti artists see victory under Visual Artists Rights Act claim
- Work-out agreements and loan modifications: Put them in writing if the collateral is real property
- Item 402 Pay Ratio Disclosures: Annual proxy statements filed in 2021 may need a new median employee determination
- FFCRA Update
- Thompson Coburn donates $50,000 to St. Louis Freedom Suits Memorial
- Kurt Reitz made a Fellow of American College of Trial Lawyers
- Thompson Coburn client Charles Rice wins 2020 Nobel Prize for Hepatitis C Virus discoveries
- Filibuster
- Made in the USA: False US-origin labeling class actions dismissed
- In the Cyber Cross-hairs: Protecting High-Profile Targets
- Thompson Coburn receives Board’s Chair Recognition Award from Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
- SEC Tightens Requirements for Shareholder Proposal Rule 14a-8
- Analyzing ED’s New Distance Education Rule
- ‘Butter’ believe it: Federal court makes decision in vegan dairy label fight
- State Emergency Declarations: When do they expire and what impact do they have for health care facilities and providers?
- Cannabis banking bill heads to U.S. House for a vote
- Understanding Country of Origin
- St. Louis Boys & Girls Club announces plans for youth golf facility at former Superfund site
- Not a bargain at twice the price: Court awards attorneys’ fees to victorious copyright defendant
- Thompson Coburn achieves Mansfield Rule 3.0 ‘Certified Plus’ status
- Small photo credit removal may result in big damages
- Nicole Jobe named a 2020 Missouri Up & Coming Lawyer
- ‘Boneless wings’ or ‘saucy nugs’: Viral video provides lesson on food labeling laws
- Muting Misinformation: Resources for identifying and dealing with misinformation
- Tom Minogue receives Robert Walston Chubb Award from Legal Services of Eastern Missouri
- Diversity-related derivative actions are on the rise, and Corporate America is on edge
- Congressional Review Act
- What employers should know about DOL’s final fiduciary rule and proposed prohibited transaction exemption for fiduciaries
- Top ten issues to negotiate in an M&A engagement letter during an economic downturn
- Why potential claimants should take care with DMCA takedown demands
- IRS issues guidance clarifying President Trump’s payroll tax deferral
- 2020 Eagleton Scholarship awarded to Yasmin Younis
- Muting Misinformation: Only you can prevent the spread of political untruths
- Hot tea lawsuit fails on appeal
- SEC takes significant action, expands definition of ‘accredited investor’
- FDA and OSHA publish pandemic checklist to assist food industry
- Muting Misinformation: Can Congress legislate a solution?
- HHS provides update for Provider Relief Fund reporting requirements
- Congratulations to our 2021 Best Lawyers ‘Lawyers of the Year’ and ‘Ones to Watch’
- After the Buzzer – Episode 12: Charles Harris and Herman Frazier on collegiate sports during COVID times
- Office of Administrative Law approves final CCPA regulations
- Muting Misinformation: What’s the role of social media companies?
- Lawyering in color: The ethics of diversity and inclusion
- Free Title IX compliance checklist for institutions of higher education
- Muting Misinformation: Can we sue to stop misleading political speech?
- IRS clarifies holding period rules for profits interests and carried interests
- Commerce Department formally suspends most export license exceptions for Hong Kong
- Proposed bill may ease access to financial services for California cannabis businesses
- Photo embedding cases depend on social media company decisions
- Legislative Day
- Key tax provisions of the proposed HEALS Act
- Bumble stumbles: State policy interests override dating app’s contractual forum
- Can employers be liable for COVID-19 cases?
- What employers should know about the DOL final rule for electronic disclosure by retirement plans under ERISA
- Pass-Through Entities Held by Trusts; Formula Transfers in Estate Planning; Business Gifts
- Are smart contracts smart enough? COVID-19, force majeure, blockchain and oracles
- Proposed tax plans of the 2020 presidential candidates
- Thompson Coburn’s Management Committee welcomes three new members
- Trusted advisors: Altered reality – Rethinking retail lease clauses in the COVID era
- U.S., China ease commercial air carrier tensions
- Adding COVID-19 to the informed consent process: A Q&A for health care providers
- Thompson Coburn releases free Title IX training series for institutions of Higher Education
- Highlights from the SBA’s further guidance on PPP loan forgiveness
- Executive Order 13936, Hong Kong, and China Section 301 Duties
- What landlords need to know about Chicago’s ‘Fair Eviction Notice’ ordinance
- CJEU invalidates EU-US Privacy Shield
- Roman Wuller becomes Chair of Thompson Coburn
- Title IX Module 4: Title IX Hearings
- Title IX Module 5: Title IX Determinations
- Title IX Module 6: Title IX Appeals
- USMCA allows challenges to U.S. grants of authority given to persons of Mexico providing cross-border long-haul trucking services in the United States
- Title IX Module 3: Title IX Investigations & Informal Resolutions
- Title IX Module 1: An Introduction to Managing Title IX Sexual Harassment on Campus
- Title IX Module 2: Formal Complaints of Title IX Sexual Harassment
- DOJ Section 230 report unintentionally highlights dangers of internet heckler’s vetoes
- Unanimous Consent
- Beware: It’s time to reevaluate your exports and deemed exports to Hong Kong
- California Privacy Rights Act qualifies for November 2020 ballot
- A look at recent student athlete name, image and likeness legislation
- Pro Forma Session
- How employers are changing employee benefits to address the COVID-19 pandemic
- Thompson Coburn celebrates seven years of meeting WILEF ‘Gold Standard’ for women leaders
- Blog Browse: As COVID-19 prompts more retail tenant bankruptcies, how should landlords and lenders respond?
- How to use earnouts in M&A transactions during COVID-19
- Norma Jackson receives Diversity & Inclusion Award from Missouri Lawyers Media
- Chicago Bankruptcy Court holds rent may be reduced during Chapter 11 proceedings due to COVID-19 shutdown orders
- Blogs and other short online works now easier to register for copyrights
- As COVID-19 prompts more retail tenant bankruptcies, how should landlords and lenders respond?
- COVID-19 crisis news environment found full of contradictions and concerns
- FinCEN guidance looks to enhance availability and transparency of financial services to hemp companies
- How California is defending statewide cannabis delivery
- CCPA for Financial Institutions
- USPTO announces relief to restore priority or benefit rights for patent applicants
- COVID-related clauses to consider adding to your M&A documents
- What landlords need to know about Chicago’s ‘COVID-19 Eviction Protection’ ordinance
- Payday before mayday: The increasing use of pre-bankruptcy executive retention bonuses
- OSHA issues new guidance on face coverings in light of COVID-19
- Regulatory Hurdles for Sports Betting in Illinois During COVID-19
- How will the landmark Title VII decision in Bostock affect employer liability standards for LGBTQ+ employees?
- Coming July 1: What Chicago employers need to know about the new paid sick leave, minimum wage and fair workweek rules
- Be on the lookout for frequent changes being made to the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund FAQs
- Congress relaxes Paycheck Protection Program rules
- Motor carriers and drivers beware: FMCSA scales back COVID-19 immediate needs in latest update to Emergency Declaration No. 2020-20
- Sara Melly selected for 2020-2021 Class of Leadership St. Louis
- Lienholders beware: Must you share the wealth?
- Getting Back to Work in a Pandemic Environment
- Getting Ready for USED’s New Student Disclosure Requirements
- ‘COVID-19 Adjustment’ may lessen Cook County property taxes in light of pandemic
- Intellectual property and other legal priorities during COVID-19
- California Attorney General submits final CCPA regulations for review
- Why the return of NOL carry backs may be good news for some distressed corporations
- Jennifer Post named to LA500 for 2020
- Vote-a-rama
- Our pledge: A statement from Thompson Coburn
- Executive order targeting social media companies unlikely to change foundational internet law
- How the Atlantic Richfield decision may impact the EPA Model Consent Decree template
- Are you ready for remote depositions? Adjusting to the new normal of litigation
- Claire Schenk supports passage of organ donor protections in Missouri
- New relief for cafeteria plans and flexible spending accounts due to COVID-19
- After the Buzzer – Episode 8: Eric Stisser reflects on the St. Louis Blues’ championship season
- Three Lawyers and a Drone – Episode 8: Arthur Frisch and Robert Sweeting on drone deliveries in the Bahamas
- USED’s New Title IX Rule: A Detailed Examination
- The FCC’s ‘Contest Rule’ and how it may affect your sweepstakes
- Supplemental unemployment benefit plans: A tool for employers responding to the COVID-19 crisis
- As sports teams consider reopening venues, what is their liability due to COVID-19?
- U.S. Releases guidance addressing sanctions evasion practices in maritime, energy and metal trading sectors
- You may avoid coronavirus contacts, but you can’t avoid online contracts
- IRS updates filing and payment deadlines and time-sensitive action FAQs
- HEROES Act proposes more potential tax incentives
- Ten due diligence keys to unlock value from your SaaS contract
- Seventh Circuit rules that federal court has jurisdiction over claims brought under BIPA
- Minding FERPA during COVID-19
- Making Clery Act notifications during COVID-19
- Your guide to the SBA’s certification requirement for women-owned small business concerns
- Three Lawyers and a Drone – Episode 7: Tomislav Žigo of Clayco on drone use in commercial construction
- How COVID-19 presents estate planning opportunities
- A good time to consider four essential documents for basic estate planning
- From emergency medical products to chicken nuggets: What manufacturers and distributors need to know during COVID-19
- Effect of “forgiven” PPP loan on the deductibility of covered expenses
- Tom Minogue to receive ICON Award from Missouri Lawyers Media
- Why plaintiffs should think twice before recording a lis pendens
- Thompson Coburn attorneys recognized in 2020 Chambers USA
- Proxy Voting
- Mass tort litigator Dawn Wright joins Thompson Coburn in Dallas
- IRS issues proposed regulations on grouping activities in calculating unrelated business taxable income
- How COVID-19 is likely to strain sports and entertainment partnerships
- Thompson Coburn client launches Talent Exchange to help workers find jobs during COVID-19
- IPR estoppel: A broad interpretation prevails
- Overview of Loss Limitations; Family Office Partnership; Sale to Spousal Grantor Trust
- Supreme Court expands reach of Clean Water Act to cover some discharges to groundwater
- What employers need to know about the CARES Act Employee Retention Payroll Tax Credit
- Rabbi trusts: Taxation basics and drafting beyond the model language
- COVID-19: When a bank loan restructure may not be a troubled debt restructuring (revised)
- Supreme Court harmonizes showing necessary for an award of profits, resolving circuit split in Romag Fasteners, Inc. v. Fossil, Inc.
- Illinois residents urged to ‘stay at home’
- COVID-19: Checking in on its impact on the sports world
- Practical methods to assure payment and increase collection of accounts receivable during COVID-19
- CARES Act funds: Significant new USED guidance includes surprises
- Supreme Court holds that with respect to institution decisions, no review means no review
- What importers need to know about postponed duty payments during COVID-19
- Three tips for Government contractors seeking CARES Act Section 3610 assistance for paying employees or subcontractors
- Effect of COVID-19 tax legislation on NOL carryforwards and carrybacks
- Better Together? Competition, Price Gouging and Other Antitrust Issues Raised by the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Financial distress of the COVID-19 pandemic on not-for-profits
- The CARES Act for Higher Education: Strategy and Implementation
- It’s not infringing if it’s an authorized embedding
- Court grants TRO preventing abrupt termination of essential services during COVID-19
- Importing face masks and personal protective equipment during COVID-19
- IRS clarifies Social Security tax deferral under CARES Act
- Navigating HR Issues during the COVID-19 Emergency
- State and Federal Implementation of Industrial Hemp Laws
- Force Majeure clause protection during COVID-19
- 10 potential benefits for physicians under the CARES Act
- Playing the hand you’re dealt: Dealing with force majeure clauses like a Maverick
- Tax filing and payment deadlines extended due to COVID-19 (again)
- Janette Lohman named Eighth Circuit Regent for the American College of Tax Counsel
- Business litigator Jasmine Wynton joins Thompson Coburn in Dallas
- ED issues instructions to Higher Ed to obtain CARES Act funds
- Contingency Planning for Distressed Institutions of Higher Education
- California Judicial Council enacts Emergency Rules to suspend eviction and foreclosure actions during COVID-19 pandemic
- Seven tips for companies or organizations seeking or receiving federal funds to fight COVID-19
- Avoiding claims of deceptive advertising for COVID-19-related products
- 6 data security tips for working from home
- InfoWars takedown over coronavirus misinformation illustrates value of Internet oversight
- Five things you should know about the DOL’s new Coronavirus paid leave rules
- Air ball! Court rejects shot at copyright claim for NBA player tattoos
- Supplemental Appropriations – COVID-19 Edition
- The CARES Act: More options for higher education
- CARES Act provides relief for small businesses through SBA loans and programs
- Follow Up: Impact of Families First Coronavirus Response Act – Who is considered a “health care provider” or “emergency responder”?
- Blog Browse: Federal agencies announce expedited antitrust procedures for COVID-19 public health efforts
- USPTO: Extensions under the CARES Act during COVID-19
- Federal agencies announce expedited antitrust procedures for COVID-19 public health efforts
- Employee benefit changes under the CARES Act: What employers need to know
- Debbie Rush named a 2020 Women’s Justice Award winner
- City of Los Angeles enacts new sick pay ordinance
- FDA: Restaurants can omit Nutrition Facts label on packaged food during COVID-19
- CARES Act implications for charitable giving during COVID-19
- COVID-19: When a bank loan restructure may not be a troubled debt restructuring
- CARES Act enacts foreclosure and eviction moratoriums for federally-backed multifamily loan programs
- Electronic signatures and remote online notarizations during COVID-19
- CARES Act expands eligibility under Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019
- The impact of COVID-19 on MAC clauses and lending transactions: A lender’s perspective
- The impact of COVID-19 on MAC clauses and lending transactions: A borrower’s perspective
- Patents, trademarks and the COVID-19 stimulus bill
- Economic relief opportunities for small businesses during COVID-19
- Retirement plan considerations during COVID-19
- Key tax provisions in the CARES Act
- Impact of Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Focus on medical practices and other health care providers
- The CARES Act: Summary of provisions impacting higher education institutions and borrowers
- What employers need to know about the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
- The COVID-19 Crisis: Questions and answers for employee welfare benefit plans
- COVID-19: Is there a silver lining for higher education?
- COVID-19: How FDA-regulated food and beverage companies can make hand sanitizer
- In wake of COVID-19, California AG asked to delay enforcement of CCPA
- Retailers, manufacturers, wholesalers: Be aware of price gouging laws during COVID-19
- The COVID-19 pandemic: What lenders should know about invoking MAC clauses
- Cannabis and Coronavirus: Issues for cannabis-related businesses to overcome
- SECURE Act: What employers need to know for retirement plans
- A casual snapshot can make for a valuable copyright
- HUD, FHFA and states freeze single-family home foreclosures and evictions due to COVID-19
- How the St. Louis City and County Orders may affect your business
- Tax filing deadline extended due to COVID-19
- Immigration and COVID-19: What does higher ed need to know?
- Can government actions restrict creditors’ remedies during the COVID-19 emergency?
- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s response to COVID-19
- Business tips during the Coronavirus outbreak
- Thompson Coburn Update on COVID-19/Coronavirus
- California Attorney General releases second set of modifications to CCPA
- Coronavirus legislation may impact your paid leave and FMLA obligations
- Blog Browse: Coronavirus legislation may impact your paid leave and FMLA obligations
- Thompson Coburn supports opening of Center for Soybean Innovation
- Proposed Section 162(m) regulations: Key provisions employers should know
- Higher Education & Immigration: Five Evolving Areas to Watch
- Clearview AI class-action may further test CCPA’s private right of action
- Using GDPR to Prepare for CCPA, and Vice-Versa
- 10 best practices to keep your business healthy during the Coronavirus outbreak
- Rick Reibman named managing partner of Thompson Coburn’s Chicago office
- Proposed price transparency rules for health care plans: What employers need to know about required disclosures
- Population health, care coordination, and HIPAA: Do you need patient authorization or a business associate agreement?
- Byrd Rule
- National law firm Thompson Coburn lands four partners in new Dallas office
- CSB’s new accidental release reporting rule expands facilities’ reporting obligations
- Recent Court Decisions in Student Disputes That You Should Know About
- After the Buzzer – Episode 11: Patrick Rishe of Washington University in St. Louis
- Class-action case against Ring may test CCPA’s private right of action
- Business ‘breakfast’ is served: A recap of the 2020 St. Louis Women’s Networking Breakfast
- If they litigate, you can only try to mitigate statutory damages
- California Attorney General releases modifications to proposed CCPA regulations
- Suspension of the Rules
- Supreme Court denies cert for BIPA standing case, facilitating $550M settlement
- Fiduciary Income Tax Refresher and Update 2020
- Jennifer Post included in ‘Top Minority Attorneys in Los Angeles’ list for 2020
- Financial Risks Common in Employee Benefit Programs
- Sale of Interest in Trust; Negative Capital Accounts; Final Regs on Transfer for Value
- What should plan administrators do about uncashed retirement plan checks?
- 2019 Small Business Government Contracts Regulatory and Administrative Changes and What They Mean for 2020
- Three Lawyers and a Drone – Episode 6: Drone photographer Justin Barr of @STL_From_Above
- Thompson Coburn earns perfect score on LGBTQ equality for 12 consecutive years
- ‘Dark Air’: Why industries should prepare for regulation of PFAS air emissions
- Meeting disinformation with media literacy in 2020: A Q&A with Julie Smith
- What receivers need to know about the Federal Priority Act
- Missouri broadcasters win First Amendment right to advertise alcohol prices and discounts
- Employers: March 2 is the deadline to file 2019 injury and illness summaries
- Top considerations for structuring health care mergers and acquisitions
- Eileen Brown named managing partner of Thompson Coburn’s D.C. office
- After the Buzzer – Episode 10: Game on: An introduction to eSports
- Minimum wage increases in 72 jurisdictions to take effect in 2020
- Congratulations to the new Thompson Coburn partners for 2020
- Gayle Mercier joins Business Journal panel to discuss St. Louis growth
- FAA announces remote identification proposed rule for drones
- The 2020 repeal of stretch IRAs: How will it affect estate planning?
- Proposed federal privacy bills exceed even California’s CCPA requirements in some respects
- NLRB overturns trio of Obama-era board decisions
- The sky’s the limit as the EPA releases a flurry of 2019 air permitting guidance and proposals
- 23 tips for drafting employment arbitration agreements
- A Year-End Roundup of USED Rulemaking Activity
- Blog Browse: Higher education should pay attention to the CCPA
- 10 cybersecurity tips for a safe holiday season
- Higher education should pay attention to the CCPA
- CASE Act promises fast track for small copyright claims, but is it the right track?
- CCPA: The next horizon for M&A deals in California and beyond
- What investment advisers should know about the SEC’s proposed advertisement solicitation rule updates
- FAQs: Anti-net short provisions and what they mean for credit agreements
- Life insurance death benefit may be subject to income tax
- After the Buzzer: Episode 5: Athlete activism and community engagement
- Copyright licenses are as easy as a quick few words
- Preparing for the California Consumer Privacy Act: Practical Ways to Mitigate Risk and Develop Litigation Defenses
- What employers need to know about association retirement plans and efforts to expand access to multiple employer plans
- Colleges should prepare: ED loan discharge letters on the way
- Utilizing profits interests as equity incentive compensation
- When politi-fact veers into politi-fiction, broadcast and internet advertising rules diverge sharply
- Appeals Court rules bankruptcy trustee can recover tuition payments from college
- Buying and selling a business: Disclosure schedules and why they matter
- Chairman’s Mark
- Seven things employers should know about Medicare for All
- The bell tolls for alleged copyright claim to skyline photo
- Blog Browse: What businesses need to know about the Attorney General’s proposed CCPA regulations
- Employers: Are you ready for new California HR laws in 2020?
- Code § 199A Safe Harbor for Rental Real Estate; Partnership Structural Issues; Sale of Intangible Assets
- With Illinois Supreme Court ruling, tech crimes meet constitutional arguments
- DOJ curtails use of supplemental environmental projects in environmental settlements
- You Said What to Whom? An Attorney-Client Privilege Update
- Choice of law provisions in ERISA plans will not result in uniformity
- After the Buzzer – Episode 9: Fan safety with Phil Melcher of the St. Louis Cardinals
- Three Lawyers and a Drone – Episode 5: Andrew Elefant of Kittyhawk
- Merging Institutions of Higher Education: Corporate and Tax Considerations
- Three key elements of good corporate governance
- Health care provider agreements may be acquired ‘free and clear’ in bankruptcies
- What businesses need to know about the Attorney General’s proposed CCPA regulations
- HHS proposes significant changes to Stark, Anti-Kickback and CMP regulations
- Anomalies
- Don’t get caught overlooking boilerplate clauses in commercial contracts
- Ghost kitchens: A scary-good real estate opportunity in California
- Tips for conducting a year-end 401(k) plan review
- California ballot initiative would further strengthen the state’s consumer privacy laws
- An overview of the Illinois Salary History Ban for employers
- What’s my rate again? Revisiting lending boilerplate as LIBOR expires
- Examining the six amendments to the CCPA awaiting Governor Newsom’s signature
- What employers need to know about the DOL’s final rule on overtime exemptions
- An Examination of ED’s New Borrower Defense Rule: Financial Responsibility and Related Reporting Requirements
- An Examination of ED’s New Borrower Defense Rule: The Borrower Defense Claim Process
- Colleges Held for Ransom: Responding to a Ransomware Attack
- What you need to know about Missouri’s updated discovery rules
- A checklist for drafting Section 457(f) plans for tax-exempt employers
- Strategies for buy-sell agreements using insurance
- For state meat labeling laws, everybody wants the ‘bacon’
- What you should do when PE firm offers to buy your business: Part 3
- Comments due to CMS by September 27 on proposed changes to Stark Law advisory opinion process
- Engrossed vs. Enrolled
- Three key considerations when forming a nonprofit corporation in Missouri
- Examining the USED Approval Process for Higher Ed Mergers and Acquisitions
- Ten things employers should know about individual coverage HRAs
- Four key takeaways from the August 2019 bankruptcy code amendments
- The State of Cannabis in the States: A Federal Overview
- What you should do when PE firm offers to buy your business: Part 2
- ABA urges Congress to reform federal cannabis policy
- What the new Illinois Trust Code means for trustees and beneficiaries
- Governor Pritzker signs bill expanding medical cannabis program
- What you should do when PE firm offers to buy your business: Part 1
- What you need to know about the City of Chicago Fair Workweek ordinance
- Proposed changes to Regulation S-K impacting disclosures
- Managing Contractors’ Combating – Trafficking Compliance
- Illinois’s newly enacted ‘Workplace Transparency Act’ responds to the #MeToo movement
- CMS issues final rule on pre-dispute arbitration agreements with long-term care facilities
- Why service level agreements are key for provider longevity and customer satisfaction
- Basis step-up: Planning for married couples
- What the President’s executive order means for transactions involving the Government of Venezuela
- Air, rail and marine finance: New or not-so-new things to know
- Manager’s Amendment
- Making sense of ED’s State Authorization Rule
- Three Lawyers and a Drone – Episode 4: Public and government use of drones
- Blog browse: Credit for cooperation: What you need to know about the DOJ’s new guidelines for FCA investigations
- A government contractors’ checklist for building a FAR combating-trafficking compliance plan
- Credit for cooperation: What you need to know about the DOJ’s new guidelines for FCA investigations
- What’s new for medical cannabis facilities after the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act
- The Big Bang: When the Worlds of Energy Law and Bankruptcy Law Collide
- IRS issues proposed regulations regarding net investment income tax of private colleges and universities
- 7 tips for creating a meaningful food safety program
- Highlights from Missouri Cannabis Business Breakfast
- State Fiduciary Income Tax (Kaestner); S Corp. Ownership; Basis Step-Up Strategies
- A student athlete’s fight against the system
- Ransomware attacks: What higher education institutions need to know
- Common slipups compromising the effectiveness of trusts you have or will create
- EPA formalizes approach to avoid federal and state duplication of inspections and enforcement
- A Midsummer Update on USED Rulemaking Activity
- Out with the old, in with the NAPSC: FTC announces changes to HSR Revenue Reporting
- After the Buzzer – Episode 7: The state of sports betting
- Possession is not ‘nine tenths of the law’: Impounded vehicles must be returned when a bankruptcy petition is filed
- Adopting a naloxone in the workplace program: What employers need to know
- Three Lawyers and a Drone – Episode 3: Commercial UAS basics
- Concerns about misinformation could lead to limits on key media freedoms
- Appellate Court leaves open question of good faith in copyright litigation
- Federal Circuit holds that states are not entitled to sovereign immunity in inter partes review proceedings
- Section 4960 Excise Tax: What tax-exempt employers need to know
- BIPA litigation offers no legislative reprieve to employers – yet
- OCR reminds business associates of direct liability for noncompliance with HIPAA Rules
- SCOTUS rules post-discharge collection actions may result in civil contempt
- Deem and Pass
- What U.S. businesses need to know about new restrictions on Huawei and the ICT supply chain
- Charitable Giving for Institutions of Higher Education
- CMS draft guidance on co-location arrangements: What hospitals and health care entities need to know
- Air rules to watch for in second half of 2019
- Supreme Court decides key trademark licensee issue in bankruptcy
- Sequestration
- Three Lawyers and a Drone – Episode 2: Tips for first-time drone operators
- After the Buzzer – Episode 6: Addressing sports crises and diversity with David Cornwell
- Modernization of fintech regulation: Analyzing state regulatory solutions for banks and nonbanks
- New law expands kickback liability for laboratories, recovery homes, and clinical treatment facilities
- Branding your bud: New U.S. Trademark Office guidelines for cannabis
- Bitcoin and cryptocurrency negotiability is an uncertain landscape
- SEC adopts new procedure for confidential treatment requests and extensions
- Remember to update your Form 8-K, Form 10-Q, and Form 10-K cover pages
- Advertising and Communications for Institutions of Higher Education
- Three Lawyers and a Drone – Episode 1: Drone disruptions at airports and public spaces
- New ruling requires employers to submit pay data to the EEOC by September 30, 2019
- Montana court finds copyright lawsuit is all hat, no cattle
- STATES Act reintroduced in Congress to harmonize federal, state cannabis law
- Final Regulations and Other Recent Guidance under Code § 199A; Life Insurance Income Tax Developments
- The ABCs of REAs
- Missouri DHSS releases proposed rules for medical cannabis cultivation facilities
- Gephardt Rule
- Highlights from the USDA listening session on federal hemp regulations
- Supreme Court challenges privacy litigants to demonstrate Article III standing
- Can an artist deem his own art worthy of protection?
- Intellectual Property Primer for Higher Ed Institutions
- Seed to sale: Missouri DHSS releases proposed rules for dispensaries
- Guidance on Borrower Defense Regulations
- CMS provides more hints at future Stark Law modifications
- Congress moves to address cannabis banking reform
- EHS voluntary compliance prevents injuries and saves money
- Trade Compliance Handbook
- Zoning green: Local concerns may affect placement of medical cannabis businesses
- What do the Labor Department proposed overtime changes mean to me?
- Checklists of Foreign Countries Subject to Sanctions
- Court allows secured creditor to retain mortgage lien after mistaken release and reinstatement prior to bankruptcy
- The “Key Personnel” Requirement in Government Solicitations
- Not so fast on your $87 million transaction: FTC increases advance notice threshold under HSR
- It may be foul, but there is no harm: Not all mistakes have dire consequences under UCC Article 9
- Supreme Court rules copyright claimants must begin later, get less
- Missouri medical cannabis business licensing: March 2019 status
- Willie’s Creative Commons lesson: The essential attribution requirement
- Surprise billing legislation: What employers need to know
- Missouri DHSS releases first proposed rules for medical cannabis
- Blog browse: Highlights from the Missouri Department of Health’s first medical cannabis forum
- Highlights from the Missouri Department of Health’s first medical cannabis forum
- FAA announces new drone rule requiring visible UAS registration number
- What employers need to know to implement the new hardship withdrawal regulations
- The Road from the Final Four
- Bankruptcy court rejects risk-shifting liquidated damages clause in equipment leases
- Dentist’s failed suit demonstrates a copyright’s bite needs more than teeth
- New California commercial finance disclosure law adds lender compliance hurdles
- Reprogramming of Funds
- Cannabis investors analyze industry, share predictions in Thompson Coburn-led ArcView panel
- HIPAA breach notification deadline is March 1
- Fiduciary Income Tax Refresher and Update 2019
- In Gouletas, bankruptcy court rules statutes of limitations have limitations
- City of St. Louis large building energy reporting deadline is May 1
- How employers can use employee benefits to address climate change
- Health care hot topics for 2019
- Social media photos, once again, are not fair game
- Planning for Business Exits from C Corporations; Intrafamily Business Transactions; Other Developments
- ‘Aggrieved Persons’ can bring suit under Biometric Information Privacy Act
- City of Chicago expands TOD Development Benefits to certain bus routes
- Copyright Office identifies visual arts copyright problems, solutions
- Rest in peace: ROFRs expire once a tenant becomes a holdover tenant
- Could your company’s freebie for furloughed workers be an ethics problem for them?
- Tips for commodity brokers and traders facing auto-renewal provisions in vendor agreements
- Highlights from the Simply Tax podcast: How to choose an entity for a family business
- HHS issues voluntary health care cybersecurity guidelines
- Court rules subordination agreement bars junior creditor from obtaining discovery from senior creditor
- ‘Waters of the United States’ rule from EPA, Corps may make real estate development more easily achievable and less costly
- Media literacy in a time of misinformation: A Q&A with Don Corrigan
- Spinning straw into gold: Modifying irrevocable trusts
- What’s new with the Illinois Wage Payment Act and four other HR law changes for 2019
- OCR seeks public input on potential modifications to the HIPAA Rules
- Pennsylvania Supreme Court provides new route for data security breach plaintiffs
- Opportunities and risks for cannabis tenants
- City of Chicago set to expand TOD benefits
- Missouri insurers to face new requirements for audits, compliance reporting in 2019
- Effective Business Income Tax Rates in Light of 2017 Tax Law Changes
- President Pro Tempore
- USED’s Proposed Title IX Rules: A Detailed Examination
- USDA, FDA announce joint effort to regulate ‘cell-cultured food products’ from meat and poultry
- Retirement plans under Tax Reform 2.0: How the Family Savings Act could affect employers
- California’s proposed cannabis regulations seek to restrict ‘white labeling’
- After the Buzzer – Episode 4: Nona Lee and Vicky Neumeyer
- Midterm 2018 postgame: What the outcome means for higher ed
- An inside look into the latest state to legalize recreational cannabis: Michigan
- A top hat plan checklist for employers
- California legislature seeks to narrow ‘slack-fill’ packaging claims
- Toss Up
- In California, ordinances restricting the homeless from sleeping in public can be ‘Cruel and Unusual’
- Labeling of meat at ‘steak’ in constitutional challenge to Missouri law
- Missouri’s 2018 medical cannabis initiatives: Part 2 – Business
- FDA puts liquid nitrogen use on ice in new Food Code interpretation
- Planning Using the Proposed Regulations under IRC §§ 199A and 643(f)
- Missouri’s 2018 medical cannabis initiatives: Part 1 – The basics
- Strategies for estate planning during a divorce
- Too hyperbolic to be believed: How social media is transforming libel law
- New Opportunity Zone investment may reduce capital gains liability
- FinCEN exempts certain rollovers, renewals, modifications and extensions from beneficial ownership rules
- After the Buzzer – Episode 3: Kenneth Shropshire of the Global Sport Institute
- How to get the most from your title insurance before and after a real estate transaction
- When should you terminate a defined benefit plan? Four influential factors
- Unpacking the new qualified business income deduction for real estate rentals
- California says #MeToo: What employers need to know
- NAFTA, tariffs and trade wars: Are you ready to do battle in Missouri?
- CBD drugs moved to Schedule 5; no promises for cannabis
- IRS updates safe harbor 402(f) notices for eligible rollover distributions
- Commercial landlords should add a waiver of Civil Code Section 1950.7
- SEC denies applications for ETFs: Will traditional Wall Street banks step in?
- 7 facts employers and employees should know about HIPAA and the opioid crisis
- After the Buzzer – Episode 2: Mike Tannenbaum of the Miami Dolphins
- Mergers and Acquisitions in Higher Education: Key Points of the Letter of Intent
- Mergers and acquisitions in higher education: Considering the letter of intent
- EPA announces ‘adjacent’ under Clean Air Act now limited to physical proximity
- After the Buzzer – Episode 1: Josh Whitman of the University of Illinois
- Bifurcated trials: A road map for better results for insurers facing non-ERISA disability claims
- Are campaigns running on infringement?
- Minimizing Litigation Risk As To Student-Related Disputes
- Can social media posts be tortious or criminal?
- NY judge serves up spicy ruling: ‘All natural’ claims not preempted by bioengineered food disclosure law
- Participate in standard-setting bodies? The enforceability of your patents could be affected
- 5 takeaways from the employee ERISA win in McMillan
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Borrower Defense
- Can almonds lactate? Standards of identity and why the FDA may soon target makers of milk substitutes
- Two skyline photo cases, two different results
- DOJ continues to investigate, seek recoveries over compounding pharmacy fraud
- The Dodd Frank Rollback: Easing the Rules for Commercial Real Estate (HVCRE) Lending
- Cahill 2036, 2038, 2703; Mazzei Disregards Corporate Arrangements; Investment Partnership Traps
- Are headline and title writers getting too cocky about their IP rights?
- Seven steps to avoid the new waves of Chinese tariffs on industrial goods
- In California, when is a ‘worker’ considered an ‘employee’?
- Lucia v. SEC: With Janus and Wayfair, a herald of further challenges to administrative enforcement and rulemaking?
- The benefits of a business ‘prenup’: A litigator’s perspective
- Is it time to address benefits for alternative work arrangements?
- Uh-oh, y’all: EPA’s action against ‘Fixer Upper’ stresses importance of lead paint rules
- Arbitration provisions in enrollment agreements appear to be safe in light of Supreme Court ruling
- Fraudulent organic food imports: How food companies can decrease risks of getting defrauded in 7 steps
- Private student loan laws: Compliance and consequences
- When is a revision of an Internet post treated as a new post?
- Shoring up the PBGC’s insurance program for multiemployer plans: An update
- The U.S. is one step closer to GMO food labeling
- New Internet frontier: You can defame through your WiFi name
- Sweeping tax reform necessitates review and analysis of form of entity
- The ‘ABCs’ of ‘ICOs’
- Supreme Court nixes USPTO’s practice of partially instituting IPR challenges
- The Supreme Court upholds the constitutionality of the IPR process
- Partnership Audit Rules; Effects of Tax Reform; Using a Business Entity to Help Defray Fees
- Disclosure Requirements for Online and Distance Professional Licensure Programs
- Dealing with Vendors and Data Security
- FinCEN guidance provides answers on new beneficial ownership rule
- Wyoming signs cryptocurrency bills into law
- What’s in Your Health Savings Account?
- Franking Privilege
- 2018 resolution: conduct ERISA fiduciary training
- WHOIS that infringer, and how do I find him after GDPR?
- IFR for steel and aluminum exclusions
- Part III: Another update on IPR estoppel in the courts and at the PTAB
- Could graffiti art prevent your redevelopment project?
- New rules coming for GMO food labeling
- The tax laws changed. Should your business and estate plans change too?
- Consumer lenders should review key borrower notices in light of recent Missouri decisions
- Converting from an S corporation to a C corporation – Don’t do it the simple but wrong way
- Section 232 tariffs on steel & aluminum
- Data in the cloud: What if the cloud provider goes bankrupt?
- Will the Higher Education Act be reauthorized in 2018?
- Class cert denied in baby food false labeling case: faulty regression model to blame
- Borrower Defense Rule: Negotiated Rulemaking Session 3
- Recreational cannabis in the workplace: A guide for California employers
- Fiduciary Income Tax Refresher and Update 2018
- Lender Policies and Procedures for Subpoenas, Summons and Third-Party Demand Requests
- Enforce your repeat infringer policy
- New FinCEN beneficial ownership requirements for legal entity customers to become effective in May 2018
- California takes another run at regulating virtual currencies
- Strategic Planning for Business Entities after 2017 Tax Reform
- Borrower Defense Rule: Negotiated Rulemaking Session 2
- Exclusive license stymies copyright owner’s infringement suit
- FDA to step up enforcement of homeopathic medicine
- Can the ingredient list defense work? Look for ambiguity, invoke common sense
- Recreational marijuana shake-up: Sessions revokes Cole Memorandum
- New tax law’s doubling of estate tax exemption compels a review of your estate plan
- PTAB offers clarification on inter partes review and state sovereign immunity
- Why privacy policies are key for corporate sweepstakes
- 3 compliance obligations you may not know you have
- Criminal antitrust prosecutions still loom for employers with ‘no-poaching,’ ‘wage-fixing’ agreements
- 5 points to remember before relying on the EPA’s new NSR guidance on projected future emissions
- Borrower Defense Rule: Negotiated Rulemaking Session 1
- Pending tax reform, prepaying 2018 real estate taxes could benefit Illinois individual taxpayers
- Cybersecurity lapses could cost Title IV eligibility for higher ed
- Beware the tail of the dog: 5 tips in dealing with employee benefits in mergers and acquisitions
- Will Florida and New York let you change a sweepstakes after it starts?
- Can I change the rules to my sweepstakes? 12 questions you should ask
- PURPA Policies Then and Now: The Latest Developments for Electric Utilities
- The hidden exposure of tenant estoppels and SNDAs
- Serving as a trustee: What is the job description?
- The USDA’s Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard: Where Are We Now?
- Clinical trials Part II: Privacy, cybersecurity risks, and managing ePHI
- Amendments to Chapter 12 make it easier for a family farmer to reorganize
- Defined Value Clauses; S Corp. Distribution of Property; Traps Donating a Business to Charity
- FTC: Even implied messages need explicit disclosures
- What you should know about estate and gift tax 2018 inflation adjustments
- Benefit issues impacting older workers
- What’s the current landscape for CFTC cryptocurrency regulation?
- Amending claims may be getting easier in post-grant proceedings, at least for now
- Expanded ARO pilot program poised for Chicago City Council approval
- An update on the shifting standard for IPR estoppel
- EPA Regional Counsel and MDNR General Counsel discuss environmental enforcement under new administrations
- Illinois takes the lead on employee privacy: What employers need to know
- The Grinch loses and protection of parody wins
- You Don’t Know What You’re Missing: Motivating Performance Through Service Level Agreements
- An ERISA claim check: 9 tips for effective and compliant claims procedures
- 9th Circuit’s VidAngel decision vindicates lawful video filtering service
- How to guarantee bad performance from your vendors
- How much is too much? NY AG stops Simon Property from enforcing its 60-mile radius restriction
- Twist & shout: California appellate court allows reverse veil piercing against LLC
- Someone to watch over me and my 401(k)
- New partnership audit rules can apply to partnerships, LLCs with only a few partners, members
- 7 things you should know about sweepstakes and contests in employee incentive programs
- New law may significantly impact international trade
- The Grinch that stole fair use?
- Key issues in negotiating financeable ground leases
- Private family trust companies authorized under new Missouri law
- Four hot mid-year topics in California employment law
- Participants who roll their pension benefits into IRAs do not ‘receive’ them
- Shoring up the PBGC’s Insurance Program for Multiemployer Plans
- Escobar case limits False Claims Act liability for providers
- Forewarned is forearmed? PBGC FAQs clarify the use of the early warning program
- Leveraging to Attain Basis Step-Up; Income Tax Benefits of Losing an FLP Case
- Developments in FICA and self-employment tax affect partners and S corporations
- Missouri enacts new employment law favoring employers
- Gainful Employment and the AACS court decision: What it means for schools
- Why U.S.-based foreign nationals should be vigilant about their I-94 record
- IRS gets upper hand in S corporation compensation audits
- Help from the Dark Side: A Litigator’s Perspective on Commercial Real Estate Issues
- Supreme Court overturns the Federal Circuit, granting more flexibility to biosimilar makers
- Why a sweepstakes could seriously boost your customer surveys
- Supreme Court clarifies definition of ‘church plan’ under ERISA
- DOL revises guidance regarding exercise of shareholder rights by ERISA fiduciaries
- Life insurance planning for the business owner
- Interpreting the renewed Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment: A loophole for enforcement?
- Trending Wonkology: What is ‘Special Counsel’?
- Grant and cooperative-agreement recipients: Are your procurement standards compliant yet?
- Tax court finds self-employment tax for active LLC member
- A victory for attorney-client confidentiality: DOL takes formal steps to rescind controversial persuader regulation
- What to do when the government comes calling: A checklist for handling facility inspections
- Customs withdraws Notice of Proposed Modification regarding the application of coastwise laws
- Are ‘Gross Up’ provisions gross in commercial leases?
- Landmark SE Tax Case; Post-Mortem Planning; Grantor Trust Reimbursement
- Using an S corporation to avoid self-employment tax
- Gift-giving policies: Seven ethics checks in light of OGE’s Updated Standards
- Be careful reselling a sweepstakes prize
- DEA awards Schedule II classification to synthetic THC drug
- Halo looms over new decision that adds to ERISA risks for claims administrators
- Caveat creditor: Risks of filing an involuntary bankruptcy
- House passes bill to clamp down on class actions
- Laches no longer a defense to patent infringement
- Tax court finds no self-employment tax for passive LLC member
- Gainful Employment Disclosures and Student Warnings
- USPTO launches new proof of use audit program
- Photographer hits retailer over photo of player hitting Joey Bats
- What to do when the winner of a sweepstakes or contest wants a different prize
- How to protect your family-owned business from your child’s spouse
- Environmental deregulation under President Trump: Business as usual?
- 21st Century Cures Act overrules IRS guidance on HRAs, enhances enforcement of Mental Health Parity Act
- In a significant change, 2nd Circuit requires strict compliance with Department of Labor claim regulations
- The shifting standard for IPR estoppel: Where are we now?
- A Government Contractor’s Survival Kit: Understanding Three Challenging Aspects of Procurement
- 5 tips for environmental due diligence in business transactions
- Connecting more: Two ways the revised OGE gift standards ease communication with government employees
- Missouri appellate court opens the door to Spearin claims by contractors against public entities
- New laws may give fiduciaries power to access digital assets
- Fiduciary Income Tax Refresher and Update
- Recent guidance issued on mental health parity and tobacco cessation programs
- New Audit Guidelines for Higher Educational Institutions
- March 1 is just around the corner – Have you installed transgender restroom signs?
- Missouri to join Right to Work ranks: Is the fight over or just warming up?
- Top three trends in venture debt for 2017
- Self-Employment Tax and LLCs; New Partnership Audit Rules; Selected Issues from Heckerling
- Tax basis: The key to reducing gain on sale or deducting asset purchases
- Fintech: Internet banking across state borders triggers compliance challenges for state banks
- Is venture debt right for your start-up or growth-stage company?
- Why a ‘Grantor Trust’ is a good addition to every estate plan
- Summary and implications of proposed ‘Counteracting Russian Hostilities Act of 2017’
- Strategies for documenting vessel acquisition and financing transactions
- How to avoid tax traps in life insurance
- EEOC issues guidance on new wellness notice mandated for 2017
- New CME enforcement rules for the new year
- New circuit split raises questions about ‘permit shield’ defense in Clean Water Act cases
- Trademark Office warns about deceptive trademark-related solicitations
- Traps and pitfalls of joint ownership
- Is the FSMA a plaintiff’s lawyer’s dream and the food industry’s nightmare?
- Slack-fill lawsuits filling up state court dockets
- D.C. appellate court strikes another nail in the coffin for the Frye test
- EPA reveals first 10 chemicals to be reviewed under a more robust toxic substances act
- Chicago lifts limits on efficiency units close to transit
- SCOTUS clarifies damages analysis for design patents, reversing landmark damage award
- A reminder about changes to tenant security deposits in Missouri
- Managers of insolvent Missouri LLCs have no fiduciary duty to creditors
- What the League giveth: St. Louis’ key role in the history of NFL relocation
- In new litigation, Amazon takes a stronger stance on counterfeit products
- Final Borrower Defense Rule Webinar Series
- Court rejects contractor’s mechanic’s lien because of ‘intent’
- Are HR employees ‘investment advisors’ under the DOL’s fiduciary rule?
- Missouri Supreme Court resets the rules for collecting leaking underground storage tank cleanup costs in litigation
- Why donor advised funds are useful for year-end charitable giving
- Due diligence checklist for commercial real estate acquisitions
- Has consolidation made egg and poultry industry ripe for the plucking?
- Election Day
- Private equity’s top ten issues for the next president
- Updated FSIS guidance on raising animal label claims
- Did you consider the COBRA implications of your severance arrangement?
- Business Planning in Light of Proposed Regulations under Code § 2704
- Cloud Computing – eDiscovery
- Industry custom evidence held admissible in CA product liability case based on defective design
- 5 legal trends food and agriculture companies need to know about
- California real estate: Change the ownership, increase the tax
- What I’ve learned about life, law and sports
- Developments in aircraft and marine finance for 2016
- Securing assent: The Internet twist of electronic contracts
- California expands pay equity, limits pay stub requirements
- Ninth Circuit holds juries can decide the definition of ‘natural’
- A Tough Act to Follow: How to Comply with the Complex Trade Agreements Act
- Nevada case a reminder to foreign entities: Protect your due process rights when served
- What U.S. companies need to know about their IP rights post-Brexit
- Life Insurance to Fund Buyouts or Loss of a Key Person
- U.K. now requires supply chain transparency on human trafficking risks
- The serious security vulnerabilities of mobile devices
- Farming through the eyes of an ag lawyer
- Key considerations for representation and warranty insurance
- Doing business in California or the UK? You may be required to be a watchdog for human trafficking
- Was that trader really ‘spoofing’? Focus on the statute’s words, not the regulator’s claims
- Hot Topics in Welfare Benefits
- Commercial landlords: Time to tune up your indemnity provisions
- In Pegasus-related copyright suit, judge sidelines as art critic
- Can a futures brokerage firm pay trailing commissions to an inactive AP or his estate?
- Proposed changes to Section 2704 could spur tax increase for owners of closely held businesses
- New Illinois law prohibits non-competition agreements with low-wage employees
- Do you need a Section 404 permit for your real estate development?
- IRS releases updated safe harbors for management contracts in tax-exempt bond-financed projects
- Borrower Defense Rule Webinar Series
- Technology companies: Are your employment policies due for a reboot?
- A look at the legal issues in the transgender bathrooms debate
- Protecting food industry whistleblowers: FDA, OSHA team up under FSMA
- What food, packaging and agribusinesses need to know about the first-ever nationwide GMO labeling law
- Section 409A: Top 10 rules for compliant non-qualified deferred compensation
- IRS issues new rules for ‘closed’ defined benefit plans
- Political campaigns face copyright and robocall liabilities
- What you need to know about the Approximate Retail Value (ARV) in Sweepstakes and Contests
- Colorado jumps into student data privacy protection with new privacy law
- Not so Wonderful: What the food industry can learn from Pom’s faulty health claims
- Do you have privacy rights on social media?
- Fox News fair use claim for Facebook post of 9-11 image remains unresolved
- Trade secrets law in the Internet age
- Ethics and Cybersecurity
- EA Sports won’t be beaten at its own game – Escaping potential liability through successful § 101 motion to dismiss
- Traffic Ahead: California Employment Law Update
- Fashion industry awash in copyright lawsuits: What you can do
- Seven Things You Should Know About the Missouri Commercial Receivership Act
- Ethics – Confidentiality Issues Re: Attorney Client Privilege and Information
- Overtime Law 2016 – Expanded New Rule: What It Means for You
- Illinois strengthens, expands scope of personal information protections
- U.S. Department of Labor issues final rule updating overtime regulations
- Government Contracts Update – Stay Informed
- New OSHA reporting and anti-retaliation rules
- Class action defendants benefit from Spokeo’s ruling on standing
- 8 tips for engaging ACO boards to meet requirements in the Final Waivers
- Can you make an infringement claim over thumbnail images?
- Update on academic use of drones
- Appraisals for commercial lease extensions: A step-by-step guide
- Education malpractice and student litigation: New lessons learned
- Has Jeff Koons learned to play fair with copyright works?
- Court preserves GM’s copyright claims against Autel and its VP
- Public contracting requirements: Not just for ‘traditional’ government contractors
- Key takeaways for creditors after the Supreme Court’s divided ruling on spousal guarantors
- Thompson Coburn real estate team to speak at Chicago cannabis seminar
- Micro UAS Committee charts bold new course for FAA treatment of smaller unmanned aircraft
- California ups the ante on minimum wages
- Shippers, are you ready for SOLAS’ verified container weight mandate?
- Filing Form 709: Beyond the basics of gift tax returns
- Construction due diligence: Sooner is always better than later
- Tyson Foods decision leaves questions, and opportunities, for class action defendants
- Commodities traders, know thyself: Are you a pool or prop shop?
- And in this corner: Judicial referees as alternatives to juries in California
- What’s next for class action defendants after Tyson Foods?
- Post that policy: California FEHA amended regs take effect April 1, 2016
- Final Rule on refund of Medicare overpayments: Key requirements to know
- Hospital property tax exemption under attack in Illinois
- Drone technology: The regulatory outlook
- Anti-drone technologies: The regulation challenge
- Preemption prevails in watercraft case under Federal Boat Safety Act
- Get the basics on two federal bills affecting employee benefits
- Missouri municipal entities must follow statutorily-required steps before executing settlement agreements
- Drones on campus: What higher ed needs to know
- 9th Circuit sends herbicide debate back to the EPA
- Gainful Employment Webinar Series
- Five things you should know before creating a contest
- Is your institution of higher education covered by HIPAA?
- Government contractors must address domestic trafficking
- EEOC wants employer payroll data to discover pay discrimination
- Staffing agency workers and ACA offers of coverage
- New rules on the block: SEC targets executive compensation
- DOJ shifts enforcement of worker safety violations to Environmental Crimes Section
- Commodity checkoff programs: What are they and how do they promote ag products?
- Will the Zippo sliding scale for Internet jurisdiction slide into oblivion?
- Can colleges compensate recruiters based on graduation rates?
- CFTC rule change brings record-keeping relief for commodity dealers and end-users
- California employers: Are you ready for 2016?
- Voluntary disclosure opportunity for cloud computing services in Chicago
- Hold who harmless? Be careful in drafting indemnity provisions
- EPA sets flip-flopping precedent, reversing prior pesticide registration
- Man assumed the risk of injury from chainsaw-wielding psychopathic killer
- Is it a game of chance or a game of skill?
- Major update to bankruptcy forms effective December 1, 2015
- California auto dealers: Re-check your pay plans and wage statements before January 1, 2016
- Arbitration and Other Forms of ADR
- Nonqualified deferred compensation plan update
- California Highway Patrol seeks to eliminate identity theft in vehicle purchases with proposed new thumbprint requirement
- Senate committee examines unmanned aircraft system safety, privacy concerns
- Trick or Treat for California employers
- Why the GE regs apply to some programs and not others
- TPP accord faces uncertain future in Congress
- IRS releases final forms for Health Care Reform reporting
- Limiting tort liability for cannabis: Dram shop-type laws
- Competency-Based Education
- Dealing with Financially Troubled Customers Outside and Inside of Bankruptcy
- Appellate decision helps CA dealers navigate CLRA responses
- Can you be sued for posting your opinions on the Internet?
- Drones and sports: A brief overview
- And on that farm he had a drone: UAS deployment in precision agriculture
- Crowdfunding for real estate – buyer beware
- National Labor Relations Board tosses more than 30 years of precedent in joint employer inquiry – other agencies to follow?
- I will survive: Help your reps and warranties endure with a smart survival clause
- Move it or lose it: Relocation provisions in commercial lease agreements
- Illinois appellate court strengthens sole proximate cause defense in asbestos cases
- Animal supplements still in limbo, facing increased FDA scrutiny
- Are liquidated damages down the drain in California?
- Neutral arbitrators in sports: What makes it fair?
- Duke of Brunswick rule strikes out for Internet lawsuits
- LOIs are nothing to LOL about: A primer on letters of intent
- Small Business Committee holds hearing to explore commercial drone operations
- EEOC Decision: Title VII protects employees’ sexual orientation
- P3s: Managing risks and rewards
- California “cures” its new paid sick leave law
- DOL claims most workers classified as independent contractors are “employees” covered by the FLSA
- Gainful employment reporting: Institutional debt and unpaid charges
- Assembly Bill 266 provides long-awaited medical marijuana regulatory framework in California
- DOL Proposed Rules Limiting Overtime Exemptions
- Web trademarks: It’s not the words, it’s the action
- DOL proposed rules limit overtime exemptions
- “Psst, Let’s Talk!” Communicating with Represented Parties
- OSHA issues guidelines for restroom use by transgender employees
- Joys of Joint Representation
- The Clery Act
- The evolving story of cameras in court
- Department of Labor issues updated FMLA forms
- Top 5 Employment Policies to Revamp this Year
- Insurance Holding Company Laws: What providers need to know as they dive into insurance market waters
- Two key legislative developments impact wellness plans, non-qualified deferred compensation plans
- Department of Labor issues final regulations on annual funding notices
- FDA launches medical device database: AccessGUDID
- Cannabis Conflicts Part I: Is it a food, drug or dietary supplement?
- Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (JOBS Act)
- Deprizio waivers in bankruptcy cases: Valid, or a sham?
- 302(b) Allocations
- FAA grants exemption for large crop-spraying unmanned aircraft
- New changes to U.S. design patent law
- Trade Issues in M&A
- GSA Federal Supply Schedule
- Illinois joins growing list of states to adopt anti-markup legislation; statute impacts all payors
- Section 333 at 200 days: Where are we now?
- A New Horizon: What You Need to Know About California Employment Law
- Reinstatement of a LIHTC LURA following foreclosure
- CMS establishes Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network
- Don’t underestimate the importance of TTAB proceedings
- Queen of the Hill
- LIHTC exit strategies: Foreclosure
- LIHTC exit strategies: Right-sizing the loan
- FERPA and subpoenas for student records
- Amazon Prime Air closer to takeoff: FAA grants Internet giant’s request for drone ‘exemption’ and experimental certificate
- Are you ready for California’s new paid sick leave law?
- Protecting the identity of your LLC members, LP partners in litigation, Part II: Strategies for discovery
- LIHTC exit strategies: Loan sale
- 2014 pension plan regulatory highlights
- Small UAS comment countdown begins: FAA publishes notice of proposed rulemaking
- Busting the top privacy myths
- Protecting the identity of your LLC members, LP partners in litigation, Part I: Motions to remand
- Read this before you co-sponsor a sweepstakes or contest
- Final approach: FAA announces long-awaited small UAS Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
- Concealed carry triggers physician office questions on gun-toting patients
- Florida drone bill a reminder to UAS operators: Know all the rules before you fly
- Final rules for international trade data highlight issues for routed export transaction
- Eight things we learned from the Detroit bankruptcy
- Getting the house in order: The early stages of a LIHTC workout
- Hospital financial assistance policies: IRS gives new guidance on complying with Section 501(r)
- FAA settles trail-blazing drone case for $1,100
- The battle over 4062(e) ‘facility closure’ liability
- UAS hearing yields details on systems research and development, but no timeline for small UAS rule
- Sweepstakes random drawings: Things a sponsor should know
- The valuation process for LIHTC projects in financial distress: Part II
- More boots on the ground: FAA provides law enforcement guidance for suspected unauthorized UAS operation
- Possible hospital malpractice exposure in Missouri for non-employed physicians
- The valuation process for LIHTC projects in financial distress: Part I
- NLRB wishes employers a not-so-happy new year – Issues new election rules and overrules register guard
- ‘Tis the season: FAA launches safety campaign for unmanned aircraft
- Social media sweepstakes: 10 things you should know
- USPTO publishes new (and largely improved) guidance for subject matter eligibility
- What are the unique dynamics of a low-income housing tax credit workout?
- Unmanned aircraft systems are ‘aircraft’ once again: National Transportation Safety Board reverses administrative law judge on key definition
- Low-income housing tax credit workouts and bankruptcies: Understanding the basics
- What are you giving up when you click a click-through contract?
- Sweepstakes bonds 101: An interview with a bond broker
- National Policy Perspectives on Cybersecurity
- Terms of Sale, Routed Exports and Export Controls
- Why colleges in bankruptcy should have access to federal financial aid
- Shipping hazmats by air? Follow the rules or pay the price: FAA imposes substantial penalties for hazardous materials violations
- Time crunch: OSHA shortens reporting deadlines for workplace injuries
- Preparing for Success: How to Position your Company for a Liquidity Event
- Sixth Circuit rules cows can be leased
- Bankruptcy 101: Bankruptcy Basics
- 7 important lessons from past FCC contest cases
- Can colleges reward students and alumni for referring new students?
- Who owns your domain names?
- Understanding triple net leases
- Poker runs are finally legal in Illinois
- Chemical Safety Board investigator outlines discoveries from West Fertilizer, Charleston water incidents
- What does the Noel Canning decision mean for you?
- Supreme Court overturns EPA’s ‘Tailoring Rule,’ upholds GHG BACT for ‘anyway’ sources
- Sale/leaseback transactions moving full steam ahead
- Full disclosure: A practical guide for the HR professional when preparing the retirement plan portions of a proxy statement
- Top Region 7 attorney details EPA’s biggest enforcement, compliance priorities
- Goldilocks and business records: Business and litigation perspectives
- TC Rewind 2014 – The Protection of IP When Working in the Federal Government & Commercial Markets
- IP 101
- Workplace Privacy
- Protecting personal information in sweepstakes and contests
- Charities and nonprofits: Don’t roll the dice with gambling laws
- Balancing the data privacy debate: The benefits of big (and little) data
- New databases offer first step for disability and veteran hiring regulations
- Licensing for the Government Contractor
- Now on deck: The law behind sports trading cards promotions
- Illinois employers should aim for gun policy review
- Can a grab bag be a sweepstakes?
- Sherlock Holmes and the case of the split copyright personality
- What is the message of the film ‘Nebraska’ for sweepstakes creators?
- The AIA: Reviewing the first year of Inter Partes Review
- Final really does mean final in the Federal Circuit
- Supreme Court upholds ERISA plan’s statute of limitations
- Fifth Circuit overturns NLRB decision on class and collective action waivers
- But it’s our locker room: What is acceptable behavior in the sports workplace?
- Missouri court rules jury waiver applies here, there, and everywhere
- Parsing the legal and financial impact from Detroit’s bankruptcy
- Current Issues in M&A Law and Practice
- A University’s Guide to Avoid Being a Sports Center Breaking News Headline
- Lien for jointly-owned property may be invalid if only one spouse signs deed of trust
- Preserving the Attorney Client Privilege
- Q&A with sweepstakes expert Sandra Grauschopf, Part One
- Federal contractors should prepare for new hiring burdens to take effect in early 2014
- Missouri employers take note: don’t wait to challenge the timeliness of a charge under the Missouri Human Rights Act
- What you need to know about Australian sweepstakes and contest regulations
- U.S. Department of Labor updates FMLA guidance about who is a “spouse” following Supreme Court ruling
- New credit agreement language goes into effect in Missouri on August 28
- Hyperlinks are lawful – unless you use them unlawfully
- Warren Dean presents at 2013 AAPA Port Administration and Legal Issues Seminar
- A critique of current federal regulation of marine terminal operators
- 10 implications of SEC’s repeal of general solicitation rules
- Illinois employers face decision as appellate court limits offer of at-will employment as consideration for competition restrictions
- Trademarks, domain name wars, and the birth of cybersquatting remedies
- ISPs and content liability: The original Internet law twist
- U.S. Supreme Court strikes down DOMA: What it means for plan sponsors
- Boot Camp #5: Customer-only sweepstakes
- UCC update: Revisions to Missouri’s UCC Articles 4A and 9
- What you need to know about Canadian sweepstakes and contest regulations
- Do sweepstakes and contests sponsors have to award all prizes?
- TC Rewind: 2013 – Building Brand Integrity and Countering Counterfeits
- Caught in the Middle: NLRB Organizing Issues
- What To Do When the Fed Comes Knocking
- Building Brand Integrity and Countering Counterfeits
- NLRB posting requirement struck down by court; federal contractors still on the hook
- Government Contracts Update 2013
- Is your promotion discriminatory in California?
- Clearinghouse opens for protecting brands on new top-level domains
- U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services revises Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9
- Department of Labor issues new regulation expanding FMLA rights
- Boot Camp #1 – Gift cards as prizes
- Coast Guard issues new citizenship “Mechanisms of Compliance”
- Federal Circuit rules objective prong of willful infringement best decided by judge
- Got an in-store sweepstakes? Better register in Rhode Island
- Does the Deceptive Mail Prevention and Enforcement Act apply to your sweepstakes?
- Consult this checklist before promoting your next sweepstakes
- 5 pitfalls of refer-a-friend sweepstakes options
- Sweepstakes nightmares: Your prize provider drops out
- Buzz, Cookies, Targeting: A Business Guide to Rapidly Expanding Data Privacy Laws
- The IRS wins every sweepstakes
- Export controls and forwarder due diligence
- Do you need to register your sweepstakes?
- Shield your sweepstakes from gambling laws
- Acceptable specimens are key to strong trademark protection
- Coast Guard to issue citizenship notice on Nov. 3
- International trade compliance: 6 basic products questions a company should answer
- Patent Reform introduces “First-Inventor-to-File” law
- BIS publishes proposed rule for export control reform
- Considerations for auctioning real estate
- The Latest Beneficiary Grantor Trust — PLR 201039010
- America Invents Act – Patent ‘reform’ but possibly not simplification
- BIS releases final rule implementing STA license exception
- Claire Schenk and Scott Lane publish “False Claims Act Whistleblowers in the Year 2011: Perils, Pitfalls, and Profits”